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Alexandre SOYER Senior Full-stack JavaScript Developer (React.js / Node.js)

29 years old, passionate about software engineering, 11 years practicing web dev, looking for a challenging remote opportunity.

Frontend JS developer

React.js (Redux, RHF, Formik, MUI, Next.js, React Router, React Testing Library, Styled Components) - TypeScript

Backend JS developer

Node.js using Joi, Jest, Cucumber, Sequelize, TypeORM and NestJS (Fastify), Express.js - Git & MERN stack

Professional Experience
JavaScript Freelance (React.js / Node.js) - 1,5 years
Sep 2021 – present | Worldwide

Good software development practices focusing on Agile methodology and communication, BDD, DDD & TDD.

At Beelance (during 1 year), provide 5K+ users from 3 countries a way to :

  • Unsubscribe from segmented email lists within Node.js and GraphQL API or directly in SendInBlue API (React Testing Lib)
  • Async Event Sourcing in a NestJS (Fastify, TypeORM) with +40 event types, React Admin and filtering (Cucumber tested)
  • Improve by 30% our daily matching rate and filtering system with React.js and Next.js using TDD and various design patterns
  • 7 websites performance audits, recommendations and fixing, passing from 25/100 → 95+/100 in Core Web Vitals

    Lot of writings on my personal blog, Twitter (10K), LinkedIn (4K), and my newsletter (1.6K subscribers)

    Architecting React 16.8 & Angular 10+ apps from scratch, writing good practices, merge requests validation, training classes.

  • High traffic MCQ for electrician accreditations with security and anti-cheating system, very good web performances giving 1K monthly accreditations using Angular, RxJS, NG Material, and API Platform.
  • Created a +30K equipment management app for construction workers with various categories and stock rules, made with React.js using Redux, Formik, React-Query, Zustand & Material-UI
  • Increase conversion rate from 1% to 4% optimizing website for SEO and web performance on a highly interactive app with multiple flows from Adobe Campaign to Salesforce dealing with 2K+ daily deep database updates using eZ Platform on PHP
  • Part-time teaching basic + advanced PHP & OOP concepts, security, SQL, Symfony framework in 5 class. of 30 students / year.

    Web developer (JavaEE) - 5 years, Cubis-Helios Consulting (Web agency)
    Nov 2012 – Sep 2017 | Paris, France

    Learning Java development and system administration remotely during my studies until I graduated.

  • Custom CRM created in 2015 entirely by myself, the software is still used right now using JEE7, JSF, Primefaces and Hibernates with Glassfish. (Multithreaded emailing system, monitoring & error detection)
  • Over 30 maintained servers with Debian / CentOS (SSH, Apache HTTPD, Glassfish, IPTables, Docker, MySQL, Tomcat, NGINX)
  • Languages
    Master Degree in Computer Science, EPSI
    Sep 2012 – Sep 2017 | Montpellier, France

    Learning tech & non-tech (team leading, agile methodology, project management)