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University of Ghana

MSc. Computer Science

Relevant Coursework: Algorithm Analysis, Database Systems, Machine Learing, Software Engineering, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Intelligent Systems, Distributed Systems

Aug 2023 – Aug 2024Accra, Ghana

University of Ghana

B.A. Mathematical Economics
Aug 2015 – May 2019Accra, Ghana
Professional Experience

Nduom School of Business and Technology

  • Modified the entire courses to be more practical and application oriented and switched all the technical lab work to a cloud infrastructure service like GCP, AWS, Microsoft Azure
  • Feb 2023 – presentElmina, Ghana
  • Designed & published open source website using HTML, CSS, Javascript, ReactJS for all the courses taught where student and TA's collabrate by submitting pull request to improve the course content
  • DataMaker

    Research Software Engineer
  • Utilized Matplotlib, seaborn, Python imaging library, and NumPy to assign text labels to specific regions of images to train the deep learning model for object localization and classification.
  • Jan 2024 – Jun 2024Remote, South Korea
  • Utilized Menstra AI API to fine-tune large language models to generate naturally accurate and coherent human-readable responses for downstream tasks.
  • Leveraged the Segment Anything Model to segment large datasets of images and draw boundary boxes around photos to label the image for semantic segmentation and panoptic segmentation tasks.
  • Nduom School of Business and Technology

    Teaching Assistant
  • Organized and facilitated tutorial sessions on programming principles for freshmen using C & Python
  • Aug 2019 – Jan 2023Elmina, Ghana
  • Assisted in teaching object oriented & functional programming to sophomores & junior using Java, C++, Rust & Golang
  • Supervised assigned TA's for the smooth course recitation of data structures & algorithms, system design and analysis, data mining & artificial intelligence as a team lead and supported students in debugging their python, pytorch & tensorflow code for lab project work
  • Skills
    Machine Learning Framework

    Jax, Pytorch, TensorFlow, Caffe2, OpenCV, Hugging Face, Scikit-learn, Numpy, Matplotlib, Scipy

    Web Framework & API

    Flask, FastAPI, Llama API, Gemini API, OpenAI API, MistralAI API, Hugging Face API