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Experienced Flutter developer with more than 2 year of experience in the field. Proficient in crafting innovative solutions, I have contributed to diverse projects, showcasing efficiency in app development in Flutter

Digital OceanGitGitHubPhotoshopFigmaDocker
B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Lovely Professional University
May 2023
Flutter Clean Architecture
Api Integration
Payment Gateway
IOT Sensor Integration With Flutter

Flutter app that connects to a Bluetooth sensor to monitor real-time data, stores it in a local SQL database for offline access, and supports push notifications. I used flavors to create different app and implemented a custom video player with BLoC and streams. I learned Bluetooth integration, efficient real-time data handling, and local database management. The use of flavors taught me configuration management for multiple app versions. Implementing the video player enhanced my skills in state management and reactive programming. The project solidified my understanding of Clean Architecture for a scalable and maintainable codebase.

Bricks and Bobs (Flutter App)

Bricks and Bobs is an app where you can sell and buy old construction stuff like bricks, cement etc. Implemented :- 1. Responsive Ui, 2. Authentications with Phone, 3. API Integration, 4. Google Map, 5. Bloc Pattern

DeliveryX (Flutter App)

DeliveryX is that kind of application Where users can sell and purchase new

and old stationary stuff.

Implemented :- 1. Responsive Ui, 2. Animations 3. Authentications

with Phone , 4. Google Map, 5. Live location, 6. Firebase Push

Notification, 7. Mvc architecture using Provider

Android Quiz Application
  • Developed a quiz Android application using Flutter, implementing bloc architecture for efficient state management.
  • Acquired knowledge and skills in creating custom and reusable widgets within the Flutter framework, enhancing the application's functionality and user experience.
  • Created a pleasing UI.
  • Telegram Storage App

    Flutter app allowing users to upload files to Telegram, view them in an organised folder system, filter files, and add favorites. I learned Clean Architecture for maintainable code, used BLoC for state management, and integrated Firebase for authentication and storage. Telegram API was used for file uploads and SQL for local storage. The project enhanced my skills in UI/UX design, responsive layouts, and project management with Agile methodologies

    Wits Innovation Lab, Software Engineer
    January 2023 | Chandigarh, India
  • Developed React.js and Flutter applications for the Blast Motion project, focusing on data management and backend integration.
  • Learned frontend development with React.js and TypeScript, backend development with Node.js and TypeScript, and database integration with MongoDB and GraphQL.
  • Acquired proficiency in Dart and Flutter framework for cross-platform mobile application development, while collaborating with a diverse team and effectively communicating project progress.
  • Coding Blocks LPU, Lead Developer
    January 2022 – July 2022
  • CodingBlocks LPU, a student organization focused on promoting technology and coding skills among peers.
  • Organized a series of tech events, workshops, and coding competitions to foster a culture of learning and innovation.
  • While leading the team, I actively participated in coding, designing user interfaces, and implementing solutions for various projects and events organised by CodingBlocks LPU.
  • I also took on project management responsibilities, including task prioritisation, resource allocation, and timeline management to ensure timely delivery of front-end projects and initiatives undertaken by CodingBlocks LPU