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Lucija Štrbac mag. ing. biotechn.
2016 – 2020Zagreb, Croatia
  • Student associate for the purpose of scientific research of structural analysis and molecular simulation of purine nucleoside phosphorylase using different bioinformatics tools.
  • Acquired skills include the basics of using the Linux operating system and the basics of programming with Python tools (BioPython, ProDy, Pandas), the basics of using Jupyter Notebook and bioinformatic tools for protein analysis.
  • HRZZ-IP-2019-04-6764 - Alosterički komunikacijski putevi u oligomernim enzimima (ALOKOMP/ALOCOMP) (Štefanić, Zoran, HRZZ - 2019-04)


    2019 – 2022

    In silico and in vivo analysis of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell wall transcriptome and its application in construction of novel biotechnological strains (SCCWTRANS)

    Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Laboratory for Biochemistry

  • Student associate for the purpose of the Bachelor's degree thesis Influence of catalytic activities of RNA exosome subunit Dis3 on cell viability and cell wall stability of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae // 11/2019-02/2020 https://urn.nsk.hr/urn:nbn:hr:159:897244
  • Student associate for the purpose of yeast cell wall scientific research. The scientific work was published as a research paper Influence of RNA exosome on protein mannosylation and cell viability of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and awarded with the Rector's award for individual scientific work in the biotechnical field, University of Zagreb, academic year 2019/2020. // 06/2020-08/2020
  • https://apps.unizg.hr/rektorova-nagrada/javno/radovi/1028/preuzmi

  • Student associate for the purpose of the Master's degree thesis Meiotic regulation of Rrp6 protein level by proteolitic processing and non-coding RNA in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae // 05/2021-02/2022
  • https://urn.nsk.hr/urn:nbn:hr:159:141394

    Acquired skills:

  • Molecular biology techniques - PCR, PCR genotyping, rapid assessment of yeast mating type by PCR, isolation of plasmid DNA from E.coli (mini prep), isolation of yeast genomic DNA, DNA and RNA quantification (NanoDrop spectrophotometer), restriction analysis, LiAc yeast transformation, transformation of E.coli competent cells, yeast protein isolation and western blot analysis, yeast RNA isolation and RT-qPCR analysis, phenotypic assays (plate assay), microscopy, alkaline phosphatase activity assay, strain construction
  • Using bioinformatics tools for protein and protein sequence analysis - protein structure prediction, protein motif prediction, PyMOL, UCSF Chimera, MSA, NCBI
  • Acquired competencies:

  • Analytical ability, strategic planning, problem-solving, taking the initiative, ability to collect, record, and report data accurately, communication and collaboration with others
  • UIP-2017-05-4411 - In silico i in vivo analiza transkriptoma stanične stijenke kvasca Saccharomyces cerevisiae i primjena dobivenih rezultata u konstrukciji novih biotehnoloških sojeva (SCCWTRANS) (Stuparevic, Igor, HRZZ - 2017-05)


    2020 – 2021

    Gaining insight into function and regulation of the RNA exosome complex through functional assays and quantification of non-coding transcripts

    Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Laboratory for Biochemistry

  • Student associate on the Foundation of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts project, project leader Ana Novačić, mag. ing. Conducting research for the purpose of the Bachelor's degree thesis and the paper awarded the Rector's award.
  • Publications
  • Co-author on a scientific paper published in the journal Molecular Biology of the Cell (MBoC).
  • Project: SCCWTRANS


  • Scientific research paper Influence of RNA exosome on protein mannosylation and cell viability of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae awarded the Rector's Award for an individual scientific paper in the biotechnical field, University of Zagreb, academic year 2019/2020.
  • https://apps.unizg.hr/rektorova-nagrada/javno/radovi/1028/preuzmi


    10 % of the most successful students in the graduate study Molecular Biotechnology

    Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology

  • Achieved the position of being in the 10 % of the most successful students in the graduate study Molecular Biotechnology, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, academic year 2021./2022.
  • Conferences and seminars
    07/2022Lisbon, Portugal

    The Biochemistry Global Summit, IUBMB-FEBS-PABMB Congress

  • Participation in the metabolism and metabolic regulation poster section: Control of Rrp6 stability in yeast sporulation // Book of Abstracts p. 287-287. The results of my scientific research were presented on a poster at the scientific conference.
  • Project: SCCWTRANS



    05/2022Rovinj, Croatia


  • Oral lecture on The role of the RNA exosome in maintaining yeast cell wall stability // Book of Abstracts p. 68.-69. The scientific competition resulted in a first-place victory for our team, which consisted of participants from the Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology.
  • Project: SCCWTRANS



    07/2021Ljubljana, Slovenia

    45th FEBS Congress - Molecules of Life: Towards New Horizons

  • Participation in the molecular toxicology and environment lecture section: Roles of Rrp6/EXOSC10-targeted lncRNAs in anti-cancer drug toxicity and cell wall architecture // Talks p. 102-102. The results of my scientific research are included in the presentation presented at the scientific conference.
  • Project: SCCWTRANS



    07/2021Ljubljana, Slovenia

    45th FEBS Congress - Molecules of Life: Towards New Horizons

  • Participation in the RNA function poster section: Role of the RNA exosome complex and non-coding RNAs in regulation of the cell wall stress response in yeast S. cerevisiae // Book of Abstracts p. 19-19. The results of my scientific research were presented on a poster at the scientific conference.
  • Project: SCCWTRANS



    05/2021Zagreb, Croatia

    Symposium in Biology and Life Sciences (SiSB)

  • Oral lecture on The role of RNA exosome in maintaining the stability of the yeast cell wall // Book of Abstracts p. 56-57.
  • Project: SCCWTRANS



    Additional activities
    10/2021 – 12/2021Zagreb, Croatia

    Laboratory demonstrator

    Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology

  • Providing assistance to undergraduate students in conducting the practical component of the Biochemistry 1 course
  • Skills
    Microsoft Office (Word, Powerpoint, Excel)|Linux|Anaconda|Python — ProDy, BioPython|Jupyter Notebook|Pandas|Bioinformatics|NCBI Blast|Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA)|Protein Data Bank (PDB)|Protein Structure Prediction|PyMOL|UCSF Chimera|Molecular Cloning|Plasmid Isolation and Transformation|DNA Isolation|RNA Isolation|PCR|qRT-PCR|SDS-PAGE|Agarose Gel Electrophoresis|Western Blot|Protein Assays|Yeast Strain Construction|Plate Assay|Microscopy
    English - Highly proficient
    German - Elementary proficiency