Build a job-winning resume for free
Your first resume is 100% free, including all design features & unlimited downloads. Yes, really 🚀
Get started – it's free ✨
Loved by over 3.1 million happy users
1st resume,
free forever
Privacy &
GDPR compliant
designed templates
How FlowCV works

1. Add content
Build your resume — we'll guide you every step of the way to ensure it's professional and polished.

2. Design effortlessly
Choose from over 50 templates and customize every detail to suit your style and career.

3. Download & Share
Download your resume as a PDF or share it online with your unique link.
Free Resume Templates
Stop worrying about formatting—our modern, ATS-ready templates help you create a professional resume that stands out at any career level.

Everything you need, made simple
No hidden fees, no watermarks, no surprises. Your data stays private, your first CV is free forever, and you can create, edit, and download it anytime.
Free forever
Your first CV remains free forever. No strings attached. No hidden fees, no watermarks. Download it as a high-quality PDF whenever you need.
Secure your data
We never sell your data. Period. We're GDPR-compliant, and you can delete your data anytime you want. Your data, your control.
Multilingual support
From English to Spanish, Chinese, or any other language, FlowCV has your back. Customize everything to your preferred language.
Multiple resumes
Duplicate your resume and tailor it for different jobs, regions, or languages with just a click. One-size-fits-all resumes are a thing of the past.
Expert advice at your fingertips
Benefit from valuable tips while you write. And our list of action words will help you perfectly describe your achievements.
ATS-ready Resume
Many employers use scanners to spot keywords in resumes. With FlowCV, your PDF is ready for scanners to read.
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Trusted By
Frequently Asked Questions
What is FlowCV?
Is FlowCV really free?
How can FlowCV be free?
Can I create different versions of my resume on FlowCV?
How does FlowCV ensure my data is safe?
Does FlowCV support multiple languages?
Can I also create cover letters with FlowCV?