Our Story

At FlowCV, we are on a mission to revolutionize the way you navigate your job search journey. We understand the challenges and frustrations that come with crafting compelling application materials and standing out in a competitive job market. That's why we've harnessed the power of innovation to create a platform that empowers you to present your best self with confidence and ease.

Our team is made up of two passionate individuals who believe that job seekers deserve a better way to showcase their skills and achievements. With backgrounds in development, design, and a shared commitment to excellence, we've come together to create a platform that brings innovation and simplicity to the job search process.

We are not just about templates – we're about empowering you to craft a personal brand that resonates with employers. Our tools go beyond the surface, allowing you to customize every detail of your application materials to reflect your unique identity.

But it's not just about design; it's about guidance. We provide you with valuable tips, insights into industry trends, and a supportive community that's here to help you succeed.

Lauris Bernhart, Founder & Developer

Lauris Bernhart

Founder & Developer

Cornelia Süß, Design & Strategy

Cornelia Süß

Design & Strategy

Your success

is our success

That's why FlowCV is built with care, attention to detail, and a genuine desire to make your job search experience more enjoyable and effective.

Personal branding is at the core of what we do. We believe that every job seeker has a distinct story to tell, and we're here to help you tell it authentically. Your personal brand is more than just a template – it's a reflection of your journey, your values, and your aspirations. With FlowCV, you can shape a consistent and compelling brand that sets you apart in the eyes of employers.

Join us in reshaping the way job seekers present themselves to the world. Let's create a brighter future for your career, together.

Welcome to FlowCV 🤘🏻

Partners & Friends

Here are the fantastic companies and friends we're proud to be associated with. These are folks we personally know and trust, and we believe they'll provide you with exceptional services.

Excessive screen time can hinder productivity and career growth by trapping you in digital distractions. FlowBuddy addresses this by managing your screen time, boosting focus, and promoting healthier digital habits to enhance your career prospects.


Relocate.me is an 80,000-user strong niche job board for tech roles with relocation. It comes with a wealth of information on all things tech job relocation.


Bei FlowCV haben wir das Glück, mit vielen fantastischen Unternehmen und Freunden zusammenzuarbeiten, die unsere Mission unterstützen. Diese vertrauenswürdigen Partner bieten ergänzende Dienstleistungen, die Jobsuchende weiter stärken.
