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I’m a Software Engineer who thrives on exploring low-level concepts and unraveling the logic behind systems. I enjoy the challenge of rebuilding technologies to deepen my understanding of how they operate. With a strong passion for backend development and automation, I’m always looking for ways to streamline processes and improve efficiency.

Professional Experience
Linked Trust, Software Engineer
  • Working on “linked trust”, a web3 project which was built on A WHITE PAPER FROM RWOT XI: THE HAGUE named Composing Credentials via LinkedClaims and Cryptographic Binding.
  • Maintain code changes at the frontend (react) and backend (nodejs) and scrapers (python).
  • Jan 2024 – Nov 2024

  • Technologies: Nodejs, Expressjs, Prisma, postgresql, Nextjs, Reactjs, Tailwind css
  • Dragons Bootcamp LLC, Software Engineer

    Developing Dragons Bootcamp main website, a platform that helps to have a pipeline of talents.

    Apr 2024 – Jul 2024
  • Technologies: Nextjs, Reactjs, Tailwind css
  • Education
    Bachelor of computer science, Shorouk Academy
    Sep 2021 – Jun 2025Cairo, Egypt
    Software Engineering - ALX, Holberton School

    Alx is a 12 month Software Engineering program

  • Certificate
  • Feb 2023 – Mar 2024
    JavaScriptTypescriptNode / ExpressjsPythonNextjsReactjstailwindcssPrismaLinuxCC#JavaOOPSQLGitBashvimFastAPIgraphql
    Create-crud-api, A code generator to automate the creation of starter Nodejs application

    An efficient tool to generate CRUD APIs quickly. With a few prompts, it allows you to choose your preferred framework, ORM, and folder structure.

  • Usage: npx tuttrue-create-crud-api
  • CLI tool that generates boilerplate code for Node.js CRUD APIs
  • Streamlines the process of creating RESTful services
  • TicketOrLeave, An events organizer with tickets

    TicketOrLeave event organizer to create and manage events. Organizers can create seating arrangements, and generate unique QR codes for secure ticket validation.

    reboard, A real time task collaboration web application

    trello like realtime board

  • honojs, nextjs, socketio
  • Dev-talks, real time video and chat spaces for developers

    free4talk like that enable users to create a room and other users can join the video an chat room designed for developers to talk about tech

  • Nodejs, Socket.io, Peerjs, Nextjs
  • webserver from scratch, expressjs like framework

    HTTP web server implemented from scratch in C, designed to handle HTTP requests, route them to the appropriate handlers, and send responses back to the client. The server is built from scratch and designed to be expressjs syntax like.

  • Adjustable speed to control the animation
  • Highlight key steps and comparisons during sorting
  • README-maker-extention, Automate the creation of the README.md file for the alx projects
  • Chrome extension automates ALX project README.md creation.
  • Extracts essential project details like name, objectives, tasks, and files.
  • Bloom filter, probabilistic data structure

    A simple Bloom filter implementation using Redis and Docker. The setup consists of a producer that generates IP addresses and multiple consumers that aggregate these addresses into a single Bloom filter.


    Added 3 visualized algorithms to an existing code

    LeetPush, Chrome extention to Push leetcode solutions +1000 user

    Built a chrome extention to automate the process of pushing a leetcode solution to github in a button click

    Learning Ambassador at ALX Software Engineering Program, ALX
  • Led sessions to assist cohorts in navigating their projects.
  • Shared personal insights and strategies for project success.
  • 05 Sep 2023
  • Engaged with two cohorts, offering continuous guidance and support throughout their projects.
  • Certificates