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My interest in programming started in 2009. It began when my dad asked me: "Damian, do you know that the games you play are written?". Soon, I realized I could create something from nothing - something that’s my own and without limits. That’s when I found my passion, and it stays with me to this day.

Professional Experience
07/2023 – Present
Software Engineer, eLeader
  • Building a new front-end version of an advanced SFA (Sales Force Automation) platform using JS ecosystem with TS and React.
  • Selecting appropriate FE libraries or creating solutions from scratch - such as a form renderer based on the back-end definition with support for postback fields, synchronisation or validation.
  • Maintaining technical documentation.
  • Participating in technical meetings.
  • 03/2022 – 06/2023
    Front-End Developer, Calamari
  • Creating and maintaining views/components of Calamari application using React together with libraries such as Jest, React Testing Library and React Query.
  • Supporting legacy views written in pure JS and jQuery.
  • Working with a monorepo based on the Lerna library, as well as developing shareable libraries belonging to this monorepo.
  • Writing front-end unit and integration tests.
  • Designing and mocking REST API contracts for new endpoints.
  • 07/2021 – 02/2022
    UI Developer, The Farm 51
  • Building user interface React components for a FPS game using Coherent Gameface plugin for the Unreal Engine.
  • Optimizing the mechanics of the user interface React components by limiting the number of re-renders in relation to the large Redux store.
  • Communication with C++ Developers to establish contracts between Unreal Engine and Coherent Gameface to process event-driven programming data.
  • Supporting a colleague with less experience.
  • 01/2019 – 06/2021
    Full-Stack Developer, Concise Software
  • Developing several projects for clients in web technologies.
  • Building the front-end of a large crowdfunding project in Next.js technology.
  • Developing an advanced application from the medical industry, including functionalities such as chat module, file transfer module, calendar with therapy booking, Stripe subscription payment, Twilio based audio-video chat system, screen drawing module during sessions and screen sharing.
  • Building a CLI application using the Jira API for the internal needs of the organisation in a Node.js environment.
  • Supporting juniors in their work.
  • 08/2018 – 12/2018
    Junior Full-Stack Developer, IC Complex
  • Developing a woodwork product configurator in Angular (1.x), Node and PHP.
  • Building/developing a desktop application, based on Angular and Electron on the front-end, as well as Node on back-end used to manage production lines. The application supported RFID card authentication and was installed on the special machines.
  • Supporting juniors in software development learning and work.
  • Education
    2024 – Present
    Bachelor of Engineering, Computer Science, School of Business National Louis University in Nowy Sącz

    IT studies focused on business applications development specialization.

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    04/2022 – 11/2024
    An open source library for React allowing to preview documents directly in the browser

    In 2022 I needed a library for React to display different document formats. I found such a library, but without active maintenance. I simply forked the library and informed the community about it. The library currently has over 400 stars on GitHub and over 50k weekly downloads on npm and will no longer be developed by me.

    During my development of this library I have implemented a number of fixes requested by the community as well as other improvements such as simplifying the code, structure or supporting new document formats.

    02/2018 – 06/2018
    A desktop application used to calculate referee salaries

    The purpose of the application was to replace many different Excel files that had become difficult to use. For this project I built both the backend and front-end. On the back-end I prepared a REST API based on PHP and the Slim framework, while the front-end was based on Electron, Bootstrap CSS and React with Redux.

    The application included features such as:

  • Creation of administrator and user accounts by the main administrator.
  • Maintenance of a database of referees, leagues, matches and referee salaries per league (CRUDs).
  • Exporting several types of reports to Excel files filtered by selected dates and other filters.
  • Automatic updates of the desktop application.
  • Skills
    Technologies and Techniques

    JavaScript & TypeScript, Node, PHP, Next.js, React, HTML, CSS/Sass, CSS-in-JS, Electron, REST APIs, JSON, Databases (PostgreSQL, MongoDB), Testing (Unit, Integration, E2E), WebSocket, PWAs, Resposive Web Design, CI/CD, WordPress, Scrum


    Git, Docker, GitHub Actions, Bun, Vite, Vitest, Jest, Playwright, Webpack, Copilot, WebStorm, Visual Studio Code, Jira

    Operating Systems

    macOS, Linux

    Design Editors


    "Art Of Product Building 2023" Hackathon

    2nd place with the team in a two-day hackathon focussed on business and product development.

    "Web.Master Podkarpacki" Competition

    5th place among the finalists of the 1st edition of the "Web.Master Podkarpacki" competition for upper secondary schools.

    Polish — Native
    English — B1/B2
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