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Ruvimbo MambingeSoftware Developer
Front-end Technologies

Angular, React, TypeScript, HTML/CSS, Tailwind CSS, Redux, NgRx, RxJS, NgZorro

Backend Technologies

Java, Python, GraphQL, Nodejs

Software Version Control

Git, BitBucket, and GitHub


IntelliJ IDEA, Visual Studio Code, Postman, Jira, Uizard, Firebase

Other Skills
  • Excellent communication and collaboration skills
  • Strong attention to detail and problem-solving abilities
  • Experienced in Agile SCRUM methodology
  • Knowledge of microservices
  • Technical Writing
Professional Experience
Software Developer, Afrosoft Holdings
2022 – present
  • Maintained a modularised Core Banking System with the following modules: Loans, CASA, and Treasury modules.
  • Led the development of an innovative system designed to streamline the process of monitoring and responding to alerts from seismometers and piezometers. This system has significantly enhanced the efficiency and accuracy of data interpretation in real-time.
  • Developed an admin portal that manages meetings that are being created on Microsoft Teams and allows a person to do a declaration of interest in a meeting.
  • Engineered an admin portal to manage meetings created on Microsoft Teams, incorporating a feature that enables users to declare interest in a meeting. This development has significantly improved meeting organization and participant engagement.
  • Documentation of projects
  • Junior Software Developer, Afrosoft Holdings
    2020 – 2022
  • Crafted prototypes and wireframes utilizing Figma, demonstrating a keen eye for design and a thorough understanding of user experience principles.
  • Engineered a system that consolidates independent insurance agencies to combine premiums, providing a unified platform for insurance management.
  • Developed a platform for Afrosoft Holdings to automatically reconcile bank statements with transactions recorded in the general ledger of Instapay, ensuring financial accuracy and transparency.
  • Education
    Bachelor of Science Honors Degree in Informatics, National University of Science and Technology
    August 2016 – August 2020 | Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
    Afrosoft Holdings
  • Afrosoft Holdings Tech Talks - Committee Member, 2023
  • Planned and organized Tech Talks focusing on the incorporation of AI into the organization to enhance development work in frontend, backend, and QA.

  • Zindi Africa: Zimbabwe Data Science 101 - Guest Speaker, 2022
  • Presented on “Data Science 101: The Necessary Skills”.

  • Data Science Zimbabwe: Introduction to Data Science - Guest Speaker, 2022
  • Delivered an Introduction to Data Science.