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Dedicated AI/ML, Computer Vision and Human-Robot Interaction researcher devoted to pushing the boundaries of Artificial Intelligence and ensuring its constructive influence on human society. Specialising in Continual Machine Learning and Human-Robot Interaction, my interests lie in fostering the development of versatile and adaptive systems tailored for dynamic real-world environments. My research is focused on advancing sensory perception and behavioural learning in autonomous agents, with a strong emphasis on promoting fairness and equity. I boast of a track record of 25+ publications with 600+ citations (H-index=16) resulting from a number of successful interdisciplinary collaborations achieved by engaging with experts from diverse fields. Committed to leveraging AI/ML and Robotics for innovation, I am dedicated to expanding the boundaries of how AI and robotics can help address real-world challenges and improve daily human life.

Professional Experience
Senior AI Scientist, Medtronic Digital Surgery

Senior AI/Data Scientist working on medical image analyses and digital surgery solutions.

May 2024 – presentLondon, UK
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Cambridge

Postdoc researcher at the Affective Intelligence and Robotics (AFAR) Lab investigating Federated Continual Learning solutions for Affective and Social Robotics. Postdoc project funded by Google under the GIG funding scheme.

Oct 2022 – May 2024Cambridge, UK
Research Assistant (HiWi), Universität Hamburg

Worked at the Technical Aspects of Multimodal Systems (TAMS) group (Apr 2016 - Mar 2017) and Knowledge Technology (WTM) group (Apr 2017 - Sept 2018). Research focussed on developing ML solutions for 3D pose estimation (TAMS) and Multi-modal Affect Perception for Social Robots (WTM). Collaborated on projects funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under project Cross-modal Learning (TRR 169).

Apr 2016 – Sep 2018Hamburg, Germany
Project Manager, Chitkara University

Developed and managed industry-academia collaboration projects ranging from Industrial Automation, IoT, AI/ML, Mobility and Big Data, partnering with industry leaders and government agencies for SME development. Work deliverables also included delivering skill-building sessions for undergraduates on programming for IoT devices such as Arduino and Intel Atom boards.

Sep 2014 – Mar 2016Chandigarh, India
Centre Head, North India Operations, Steinbeis India

Designed, implemented and managed Technology Transfer and Skill-building Projects for Industrial Automation of SMEs in North India.

Dec 2013 – Aug 2014Delhi, India
Systems Engineer, Education and Research, Infosys Limited

Provided Project consultation and internal employee training on Programming Languages, Databases and Software Engineering. Designed coursewares for Mainframes (COBOL, CICS) and Relational Databases. Conducted training sessions for new recruits (trainees) on several topics, including OOPS, SQL and Software Engineering principles.

Sep 2011 – Dec 2013Mysore, India
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Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Science), University of Cambridge

Research focussed on developing (deep) Lifelong and Continual Machine Learning solutions for personalised and continual perception and context-appropriate behavioural learning for robots. PhD research funded by the EPSRC International Doctoral Scholarship and Cambridge Computer Laboratory Premium Research Studentship.

Thesis: Continual Learning for Affective Robotics

Oct 2018 – Sep 2022Cambridge, UK

Supervised by Prof Hatice Gunes

Masters of Science (Intelligent and Adaptive Systems), Universität Hamburg

Research focussed on End-to-End Deep Learning solutions for Multi-modal Perception and Behavioural Learning for Social Robots.

Thesis: Modelling Affective Cores for Behaviour Modulation in Social Robots

Oct 2015 – Mar 2018Hamburg, Germany

Grade: 1.0 mit Auszeichnung bestanden (Distinction).

Bachelors of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering), Punjab Technical University

Excelled in Course Modules on Software Engineering, Relational Databases, Object-oriented Programming and Expert Systems. Final Year Project: Developed and deployed a problem ticket management system for R Systems, India (1000+ employees) for sys-admins to record and resolve IT-related issues.

Aug 2007 – May 2011Chandigarh, India
Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistant, University of Cambridge

Assisted in Undergraduate/Graduate modules on Mobile Robot Systems (2019, 2020), Interaction Design (2019, 2020), Affective Computing (2020, 2024) and Further Human-Computer Interaction (2022).

2019 – presentCambridge, UK
Course Supervisions, University of Cambridge

Designed and conducted Cambridge Undergraduate/Graduate supervisions on Interaction Design, Further-HCI and Affective Computing.

2019 – presentCambridge, UK
MPhil Supervisions, University of Cambridge

Co-Supervised Cambridge MPhil student projects on:

  • Continual Reinforcement Learning for Social Robot Behavioural Learning
  • 2020 – presentCambridge, UK
  • Latent Generative Replay for Resource-Efficient Continual Learning
  • Learning Socially Appropriate Behaviours for Humanoid Service Robots
  • Skills
    Machine Learning|Computer Vision|Deep Learning|Continual Learning|Bio-inspired AI|Affective Computing|Multi-modal Learning|Federated Learning|Human-Robot Interaction|Robotics|Reinforcement Learning|Robot Platforms — Pepper, Nao, NICO, iCub|ROS/ROS2|Python|Jupyter|Pandas|Numpy|OpenCV|C++|Git|Agile Development|ML Frameworks — PyTorch, Tensorflow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, Flower|Neural Networks — CNNs, RNNs, LSTMs, CapsuleNets, Transformers|Generative Models — AutoEncoders, GANs, VAEs|Data Visualisation — Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly
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    RSJ/KROS Distinguished Interdisciplinary Research Award (Finalist), IEEE RO-MAN 2021
    Aug 2021
    Best Doctoral Consortium Paper Award, IEEE Face and Gestures 2020
    Nov 2020
    IEEE CIS Travel Award, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, 2018
    Jul 2018
    DAAD Leistungsstipendium, Universität Hamburg Merit Scholarship for International Students
    Nov 2016
    Conference/Workshop Organization
    Dungeons Neurons and Dialogues: Social Interaction Dynamics in Contextual Games (DnD-SIDC), Organiser

    Organiser for the Dungeons Neuron and Dialogues workshop to be held at the IEEE International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII) 2024

    Sep 2024Glasgow, UK
    Sep 2024Glasgow, UK
    LEAP-HRI Workshop at IEEE/ACM HRI 2024, Organiser

    Organiser for the Lifelong Learning and Personalization in Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction (LEAP-HRI) workshop held at the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction 2024.

    Mar 2024
    Causal-HRI Workshop at IEEE/ACM HRI 2024, Organiser

    Main organiser for the Causal-HRI: Causal Learning for Human Robot Interaction workshop held at the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction 2024.

    Mar 2024Boulder, CO, USA
    Continual AI Unconference, Talks Chair

    Contributed as the Talks Chair for the 1st ContinualAI Un-conference aimed at speeding-up the long desired inclusive and sustainable progress of the Continual Learning community with an open-access, multi-timezone, 24 hours long event.

    Oct 2023Virtual
    CLVision Workshop at CVPR 2020, Organiser

    Co-organiser for the CLVision: Continual Learning in Computer Vision workshop held at the IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR) 2020.

    Jun 2020
    IEEE International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Volunteer Coordinator

    Managed volunteer coordinators for the IEEE International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII) 2019. Key deliverables included helping schedule and organise the paper and poster presentations, preparing venues and coordinating with the tech-team for the smooth running of the conference.

    Sep 2019Cambridge, UK
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    Empathy Modelling in Real-World Scenarios Workshop at IEEE FG 2019, Organiser

    Organiser for the Workshop on Empathy Modelling in Real-World Scenarios: Lessons Learned from the OMG Empathy Prediction Challenge held at the International Conference on Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 2019.

    May 2019Lille, France
    OMG Empathy Prediction Challenge at IEEE FG 2019, Organiser

    Organiser for the OMG Empathy Prediction Challenge held in conjunction with the International Conference on Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 2019.

    May 2019Lille, France
    Outreach and Talks
    Demonstration : Negotiations with Pepper Robot, Physics Outreach Event for Schools
    Sep 2023Cambridge, UK
    Demonstration: Robots for Wellbeing, Cambridge Festival 2023
    Mar 2023Cambridge, UK
    Demonstration: Robots for Wellbeing, Cambridge Festival 2022
    Mar 2022Cambridge, UK
    Seminar: Can Robots have an Emotional Self? Towards Social Robots with Emotions and Personality, McMenemy Seminar, Trinity Hall Cambridge
    May 2019Cambridge, UK
    Organisation: CSAT Organisation for 2019 Undergraduate Admissions, Department of Computer Science and Technology
    Dec 2018Cambridge, UK
    University Service
    Faculty Board Member, Computer Lab, University of Cambridge, PhD Representative
    2019 – 2020Cambridge, UK
    Graduate Students Forum Member, Computer Lab, University of Cambridge, Rainbow Group Representative
    2018 – 2020Cambridge, UK
    MCR Computing Officer, Trinity Hall Cambridge
    2018 – 2020Cambridge, UK
    Research Scholar (Stipend Holder), PIASTA, University of Hamburg
    2017 – 2018Hamburg, Germany
    Examination Board Member, MSc Intelligent Adaptive Systems, University of Hamburg
    2015 – 2018Hamburg, Germany
    Reviewing Responsibilities
    IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing|IEEE Transactions on Multimedia|IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics|IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters|Advanced Robotics|Frontiers in Robotics and AI (Review Editor)|AAAI|IJCAI|ACM ICMI|ACM/IEEE HRI|IEEE RO-MAN|IEEE ICDL-EpiRob|IEEE ICRA|IEEE FG|IEEE ACII|RSS|ICPR|IEEE IROS
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    Causal-HRI: Causal Learning for Human-Robot Interaction, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI)

    Jiaee Cheong, Nikhil Churamani, Luke Guerdan, Tabitha Edith Lee, and Zhao Han, Hatice Gunes

    Continual Facial Expression Recognition: A Benchmark, ArXiv preprint

    Nikhil Churamani, Tolga Dimlioglu, German I. Parisi, and Hatice Gunes

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    Teleoperated Robot Coaching for Mindfulness Training: A Longitudinal Study, IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN)

    Indu P. Bodala, Nikhil Churamani, and Hatice Gunes

    Finalist for the RSJ/KROS Distinguished Interdisciplinary Research Award

    The OMG-Emotion Behavior Dataset, IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)

    Pablo Barros, Nikhil Churamani, Egor Lakomkin, Henrique Sequeira et al.

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