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Timothy NjagiSoftware Engineer

A passionate and creative full-stack developer with over 6 years of experience in building web applications using Angular, React and TypeScript. Skilled in developing user-friendly interfaces, optimizing performance, and collaborating with cross-functional teams.


Javascript, Typescript, Angular, React, Ionic, Jest, Cypress, Selenium


Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, Locust, AWS EKS, AWS ECR, ArgoCD


Node.js, Redis, MongoDB, Convex, Supabase, Firebase


Git, Jira, Confluence, Slack

Feb 2021 – presentNairobi, Kenya
Software Engineer, Bingwa Services
  • Led the development and implementation of robust and scalable software solutions, employing my expertise in JavaScript to deliver high-quality code for various projects.
  • Collaborated closely with cross-functional teams, ensuring alignment between software development and project requirements, contributing to the successful and timely delivery of products.
  • Played a key role in the full software development lifecycle, from requirements gathering and design to coding, testing, and deployment, consistently meeting or exceeding project milestones.
  • Jan 2016 – presentNairobi, Kenya
    Sound Engineer, Show'nuff Records
  • Spearheaded recording sessions, managing microphone setup and recording equipment to ensure optimal sound quality for diverse musical projects.
  • Applied expertise in mixing and mastering to deliver polished and professional final products, balancing levels and employing creative techniques to enhance the overall audio experience.
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  • Cultivated strong collaborative relationships with artists, effectively communicating and contributing insights to translate their creative vision into exceptional musical compositions.
  • Jan 2014 – Apr 2014Nairobi, Kenya
    ICT Intern, Radio Africa Group Ltd.
  • Supported IT department activities such as installing and troubleshooting VoIP systems and managing biometric access systems.
  • Automated recurrent ICT departmental reports using PHP scripts and Linux cron jobs, saving time and resources.
  • Developed an in-house radio promotion tracking application using LAMP stack, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of the promotion process.
  • Education
    2011 – 2015Nairobi, Kenya
    Bachelor of Science, Computer Science, Kenyatta University
    2006 – 2009Nairobi, Kenya
    Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, Lenana School
    Programmable Logic Controllers

    Centurion Systems Ltd.

    IBM DB2 - Academic Associate








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    Music Production
    Artificial Intelligence
    Body building
    Bingwa App, web

    A home services marketplace that connects homeowners with vetted professionals for various services. Launched in 2018, it boasts a 4.5-star rating on Google Play and serves clients nationwide. Build using Ionic/Angular for the front-end, NodeJS on the backend and MongoDB for the database.

    Doghouse App, web

    Developed a web app that helps people find dogs as pets by browsing through different breeds and filtering by size, temperament, and other criteria. Used NextJS for the front-end and Firebase for the back-end. Used Chakra UI for the app layout and styling. Used Firebase Authentication to enable user sign up and login. Used Firebase Firestore to store and retrieve dog data. Used React Hooks to manage state and side effects.

    Contextual Video Analysis App, web

    Developed a web app that allows users to upload videos and get transcripts and insights using Symbl.ai, a conversation intelligence platform. Used NextJS for the front-end and Symbl’s RESTful APIs for the back-end. Implemented authentication using Symbl oauth2 endpoint and stored the token globally with React Context. Used Symbl’s Job Status API to check the processing status of the video and Conversation API to get the transcripts and insights. Styled the app layout with Chakra UI

    Reddit clone, web, Android, iOS

    Developed a web app that mimics the functionality of Reddit using ReactJS, Next.js, Firebase v9, Chakra UI, TypeScript, and Recoil. Used Firebase Authentication to enable user sign up and login. Used Firebase Firestore to store and retrieve posts and comments. Used Chakra UI components to create the app layout and styling. Used Recoil to manage global state and handle user votes.

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