B.Tech.(Computer Science and Engineering)
Gyan Ganga Institute of Technology and SciencesCGPA:8.17
Cisco AICTE Virtual Internship Program 2022
Virtual Internship Program in Programming
Technologies Used:Python, Mysql, HTML,CSS.
A face recognition attendance system is a biometric system that uses facial recognition technology to identify and verify individuals. The system captures an image of the individual's face and then compares it to a database of pre-registered faces. If a match is found, the system records the individual's attendance.
Netflix Clone
Technologies Used:HTML, CSS, Javascript, React.js
Created a feature-rich software script to simulate a video-on-demand platform similar to Netflix.
3 star rating in Python on Hackerrank 4 star rating in Sql on Hackerrank 2 star rating in Codechef PlatformSports
Represent U17 Cricket State Team in National Level 2 Times Won Intracollege Cricket TournamentMeditation Explore New Technologies
Cricket Listening to music