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Professional Experience

Building UI according to design specifications, collaborating with backend developers to define and integrate APIs into the frontend. Optimizing performance, ensuring cross-platform compatibility, and responsiveness of the website using TypeScript, React, Redux, and Unit Testing with Vitest.

1. CropEx Trade - Admin and Buyer Web Portals (Ongoing)

React, Vite, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, React Redux, React Testing Library (Vitest), React Leaflet,

TypeScript, React, React Bootstrap, Vite, React Redux, React Leaflet

  • Develop interactive Admin and Buyer portals for a commodity trade platform, enabling seamless user management, commodity postings, and traceability tracking.
  • Implement robust data visualizations with React Leaflet, including trade area polygons and shipment tracking.
  • Leverage Vitest and React Testing Library to ensure comprehensive unit testing for critical workflows.
  • Utilize TypeScript, Redux, and Tailwind CSS to create a scalable, responsive, and maintainable platform.
  • TypeScript, React, React Bootstrap, Vite, React Redux, React Leaflet

  • Developed a dynamic dashboard to visualize farmer data, utilizing charts, tables, and interactive maps with polygon-based outlines for soil test areas and property boundaries.
  • Integrated latitude-longitude-based solutions for accurate visualization of soil test results and farmer plot locations, enhancing operational insights.
  • Optimized performance and created a responsive, maintainable UI, while ensuring alignment with stakeholder requirements.
  • React, Tailwind CSS, React Google Charts, Formik, Yup, React Redux, RTK Query

  • Developed an interactive GHG accounting system using React and Tailwind CSS, enabling seamless tracking and reporting of emissions in line with industry standards.
  • Implemented advanced form validation with Formik and Yup, ensuring accurate data collection and compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Integrated efficient API handling with RTK Query, optimizing data fetching, caching, and state synchronization to boost application performance.
  • Built SEO-friendly, reusable components with Next.js, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS, focusing on UI/UX.
  • Optimized images and reduced build size from 121.8kb to 41.2kb (66%), enhancing performance and responsiveness.
  • Converted UI/UX wireframes into functional web pages, improving user experience.
  • Technical Skills
    JavaScript & TypeScript
  • JavaScript - Web Development, ES6, DOM manipulation, Asynchronous programming, AJAX, JSON.
  • TypeScript - React TypeScript, Types, Interfaces, Tuples, Generics, Static Checking (continuously improving TypeScript skills).
  • React.js & Next.js
  • React - Components & Props, Hooks, Optimization, Router, babel, parcel, webpack, NPM, Redux, formik, React Testing Library, Vitest.
  • Next.js - Routing, Fetching, Rendering and Actively improving Next.js Skills
  • node.js & express.js

    File Systems, Node Servers, Streams, Express Servers, REST APIs, Database Connectivity, JWT Authentication

    NoSQL - Mongo DB

    CRUD Operations

    Web Technologies - HTML, CSS & Tailwind css
  • HTML & CSS - Proficient in HTML5, CSS3 front-end web development with knowledge of responsive design.
  • Tailwind CSS - Skilled in responsive design, Flexbox, Grid layout, Hover/Focus, with strong documentation
  • Tools and Technologies

    Git for version control, branching, merging etc, Postman, Firebase, Clerk CMS, ShadCN UI, SQL, and Understanding of Deployment.

    Personal Projects

    Developed a property management web app using MERN Stack, TypeScript, and Firebase with secure authentication through JWT and Google Auth. Enhanced user experience with cookies for session management, and deployed the backend on Render.com and frontend on Netlify.com for optimized performance.

    Built a Netflix clone with React, Redux, Tailwind CSS, and Firebase, focusing on efficient state management and delivering an immersive, responsive UI for seamless cross-device viewing.

    Bachelor of Engineering, Government Engineering College, Ramanagara
    2019 – 2022

    Achieved proficiency in the MERN Stack, Java, and MySQL by building dynamic web applications.