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Md Shirajus Salekin ShafiFrontend Developer

Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering
06/2019 – 11/2023Dhaka, Bangladesh
Work Experience

Software Engineer Intern

  • Collaborated within an Agile Scrum team, working closely with UI/UX designers to develop production-ready functionality for over 1,000 users using Angular 17, TypeScript, Firebase, and BitBucket.
  • 06/2024 – 09/2024San Francisco, California, Remote
  • Achieved a 33% increase in page speed, significantly improving load times and overall user experience.
  • Software Engineering Fellowship

    Headstarter AI
  • Developed and deployed 5 AI projects utilizing technologies such as Next.js, RAG LangChain, Pinecone, AWS, OpenAI, Python, and Firebase.
  • 07/2024 – 09/2024NY, USA, Remote
  • Built and integrated a custom RAG pipeline for a chatbot, leveraging OpenAI and Pinecone to deliver responses based on a company's knowledge base.
  • Participated in hackathons and weekly sessions with engineers from Google, Y Combinator, Stanford, Amazon, and various venture-backed startups.
  • Projects

    NextEvent Manager - Fullstack Event Management Application

  • Developed event management with comprehensive CRUD functionality, including search, filter, and pagination for seamless user experience.
  • Implemented Stripe integration to handle checkout and payment processes, including webhook functionality for retrieving purchased tickets.
  • Technologies:

    Next.js, Typescript, React Hook Form, Axios, Zod, Shadcn, TailwindCSS, MongoDB, Clerk, Stripe

    Dev-Forum - Fullstack QA platform

  • Designed a dynamic community interaction system with Q&A, views, voting, bookmarking, and easy navigation through filters and pagination.
  • Implemented Clerk Authentication Services with webhooks for secure user access and optimized backend performance using Next.js server actions.
  • Technologies:

    Next.js 14, TypeScript, MongoDB, TailwindCSS, React Hook Form, Zod, Shadcn, Clerk

    Technical Skills

    Proficeint JavaScript (2 yrs),

    Intermediate Python (1 yrs)

    Developer Tools:

    Git, Vercel, AWS, Figma, Postman, Cypress

    Frontend Technologies:

    Next.js, React.js, Redux-toolkit, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript

    Backend Technologies:

    Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB (Mongoose, Prisma)