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CGPA: 8.35

Professional Experience
Jan 2024 – Jun 2024
  • Cross-Platform EV App with Flutter : MVVM Architecture(reduce 70% maintainability efforts), Provider state management , integrated QR code, Google Maps, backend REST API (60% faster), optimized performance (30% improved).
  • User-Centric Design (40% user engagement): User-friendly UX (20% usability), user forms, auto OTP reading (50% less input), independently managed lifecycle (25% faster delivery).
  • Projects
  • Responsive E-commerce App with Firebase: MVC Architecture , GetX state management, Firebase integration .
  • Robust Auth & Cloud Integration: Themed UI, Firebase Auth, Firestore.
  • Developed a cross-platform search application using Flutter, prioritizing responsive UI design and integrating pagination for search results.
  • Seamlessly integrated Google Search API for real-time results, showcasing proficiency in Flutter development and API integration for enhanced app functionality.
  • Design a chess application using Flutter, with game logic based on chess rules and an interactive user interface for player engagement.
  • Engineered an FNN-based ML system for real-time sign language interpretation, achieving 95.8% accuracy, enhancing communication accessibility.
  • Integrated the model with IoT and Mediapipe for hand detection enabling context-aware interactions and potential applications in industrial automation
  • Skill
    Flutter|Dart|Firebase|MySQL|C/C++|GitHub|Postman|MS Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel).
    Extra-Curricular Activities
    Aug 2022 – Aug 2023
  • Led a 46-member association spanning 8 teams, achieving record membership of 120.
  • Orchestrated 9+ Tech and Non-Tech events, showcasing organizational prowess and fostering community engagement.
  • Aug 2022 – Aug 2023 | Pune
  • Teamwork & Leadership: Successfully led a 46-person association consisting of 8 different teams, effectively coordinating their efforts towards common goals.
  • Initiative: Took the initiative to rebrand the association as a Technical Association, implementing strategic changes to align with the organization's new vision.
  • Results: Demonstrated successful outcomes by achieving the highest IEEE membership count of 120 and organizing over 9 events, including both technical and non-technical activities.
  • Praxis 2023, Overall Incharge
    Mar 2023 – Mar 2023
  • Led a team of 90 members, brought 158k + sponsorship, a registration count of 1.5k, and a prize pool of 2.1L.
  • Planning, marketing, and execution of 10 Events (Tech & Non-Tech)
  • Mar 2023 | Pune, India
  • Strategic Leadership and Team Management:
  • Spearheaded a dynamic team of 90 members, fostering collaboration and achieving outstanding results.

  • Financial Acumen and Sponsorship Attainment:
  • Secured an impressive 1,58,000 in sponsorships, showcasing adept financial management skills.

  • Event Planning and Execution Excellence:
  • Planned, marketed, and executed 10 diverse events, blending technical and non-technical elements, achieving remarkable success in registrations and a substantial prize pool.

  • Innovated traffic management with IR sensor-enabled signals prioritizing emergency services, enhancing road safety and ensuring swift emergency response times.
  • Implemented an advanced spam detection system, enhancing inbox security with precision using Multilayer Perceptron(MLP), Decision Tree, Logistic Regression, and Support Vector Machine(SVM).
  • Achievement
  • Eu-Reka is a flagship event of the IEEE Education Society.
  • It's a national-level event organized by IEEE Pune Section.