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Frontend developer with React and Next.js experience gained through a coding bootcamp and professional projects. Proven ability to collaborate in agile teams and deliver high-quality UIs with consistent deliveries for a given deadline. Passionate about modernising intuitive user experiences from EOL apps.

Professional Experience
Frontend Developer, Yuni Connect - Freelancing
04/2024 – 07/2024

Agile collaboration with backend engineers (FastAPI/Postgres)

  • Using RTK Query to connect with APIs and manage state
  • Streamlined user workflow by developing an intuitive drag-and-drop application tracking system (React DnD)
  • Implemented robust form validation with Formik and Yup
  • Leveraged Docker containers with Traefik
  • Full Stack Software Developer Student, Boolean UK
    11/2022 – 05/2023
  • Accumulated approximately 900 verified hours of comprehensive lectures and hands-on experience
  • Developed a strong proficiency in the latest technologies including HTML, JavaScript, React, NodeJS, Express, Git, Test-Driven Development, PostgreSQL, Prisma and Object Oriented Programming
  • Produced domain models, ERDs, wireframes, UX/UI design and pseudocode in a large-scale team development, learning Agile methodologies
  • Team Member, Bim's Edmonton Ltd
    09/2021 – 04/2024
    Quiz App

    Timed Typing Quiz

  • Elevated user experience by refactoring codebase with Tailwind CSS, improving UI/UX and responsiveness.
  • Enhanced visual appeal and clarity by integrating Lucide icons for user feedback.
  • Built the app with Vite and deployed on Netlify, using GitHub for version control and automated deployments.
  • Thoroughly tested on various browsers and devices to ensure cross-platform compatibility.
  • Ticket Management System

    Streamline issue resolution and support process:

    Leveraged Shadcn UI components with Tailwind CSS for a clean, intuitive, and accessible user interface; Implemented form validation and data management using React Hook Form for data integrity.

    3d Maze Game

    Third-person maze survival game with shooting:

    Utilized React Three Fiber to create immersive environments and interactive gameplay. Solved complex 3D positioning and spatial calculations for seamless level design.

    React & Next.js
    Tailwind CSS / Daisy UI / Shadcn
    RTK Query
    Dip. HE in Computer Science, University of Greenwich
    2017 – 2019
    BTEC's, Edmonton County School Sixth Form
    2015 – 2017
  • IT - D*
  • Applied Science - D* D*
  • Creative Media Production - M
  • GCSE's, Edmonton County School
    2010 – 2015
  • 6 GCSE's B - C grade