Manuel has strong expertise in architecting on AWS and migrating to AWS, e.g., through all phases of the Migration Acceleration Program (MAP). Furthermore, as well in software development (Golang, Java, TypeScript, python3), operations (Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, terraform), CI/CD pipelines, DevOps/FinOps Culture. His expertise lies in highly scalable, resilient, monitorable, and secure Software Architecture for distributed and event-driven systems.
He aims to deliver and run high-quality software in quick iteration cycles, optimize resource usage, and minimize costs. Furthermore, he can deliver complex technical topics to various audiences compared with his coaching and presentation skills.
Solution Architecture, automation, serverless
terraform, terragrunt, aws-cdk
helm, kustomize, fluxCD, ArgoWorkflows
Prometheus, Grafana, OpenTelemetry, OpenSearch
Golang, Java, Typescript, testing, TDD, DDD
RDS, Aurora, PostgreSQL, MySQL, DynamoDB
Working as DevOps Engineer, closely with the platform and engineering teams to
AWS, Kubernetes, GitLab, Helm, Kafka, Open Telemetry, Flux2
Manuel was responsible for migrating the product to the AWS cloud and transforming it into a SaaS product.
Technologies: AWS (API Gateway, EKS, Cognito), DevOps, Automation, Terraform, EKS, Kubernetes, kustomize, helm
Manuel was responsible for implementing multiple PoCs, such as API Gateway with mTLS and EKS pod authentication with SecretsManager in the AWS cloud.
delivering the solution as IaC with terraform in their self-hosted GitLab, including detailed architecture diagrams.
Technologies: AWS (VPC, NLB, ALB, API Gateway, EKS, SecretsManager, ECR, IAM), TLS, Terraform, GitLab, Golang, Kubernetes, Docker
Manuel was responsible for migrating the product to the AWS cloud.
Technologies: AWS (Migration Readiness Assessment (MRA), Migration Factory), DevOps, Automation
Manuel was responsible for troubleshooting the AWS cloud.
Technologies: AWS (VPC, AppRunner, ECR, Fargate)
Manuel was part of the platform engineering team.
Technologies: AWS (VPC, Code (Build, Pipeline)), Docker, terraform, python3, Newrelic
Manuel was the lead for the platform team.
Technologies: AWS (VPC, ECS with GPU), Docker, terraform
Manuel was part of the infrastructure team
Technologies: AWS (VPC, EC2, RDS, R53, ASG, IAM), terraform
Manuel was part of the infrastructure team.
Technologies: AWS (VPC, LoadBalancing, EKS, S3, Cost Explorer, CUR), Kubernetes, kubecost, Quicksight, Athena, Glue, SQL, Python, Cloudformation, Lambda
Manuel was part of the platform team.
Technologies: AWS (VPC, LoadBalancing, ECS, S3, Cloudwatch, Athena, Keyspaces), Golang, Kafka (confluent cloud), terraform, Apache Cassandra
Manuel worked hand-in-hand with the platform and engineering team to design a Landing Zone and implement a PoC for application migration.
Technologies: AWS (VPC (API-Gateway, Transit Gateway, Peering) Control Tower, GuardDuty, Service Control Policies, SecurityHub, LoadBalancing, ECS, RDS, CloudMap), Okta, terraform.
Manuel worked with the DevOps Team migrating from a German cloud provider to AWS.
Technologies: AWS (Codepipeline, ECR, ECS, EFS, S3), Mongo Atlas, AzureAD, terraform, terragrunt, Node.js, GitlabCI
Manuel worked on the platform team, building AWS solutions with Kubernetes and Kafka.
Technologies: AWS(VPC, EC2, RDS), Kubernetes, Rancher2, Helm3, terraform, Kafka, GitLabCI, Golang, python, Java8, Docker, Prometheus, ELK, KANBAN, Scrum, Nexus, SonarQube
Manuel's tasks are, besides running the business as MD, building AWS Solution Architectures, and specializing in Landing Zones.
Furthermore, he provides DevOps support and tooling & implementation and cloud-native development.
As AWS Evangelist, Manuel is one of the leading technical faces outside of kreuzwerker and internally for guiding technical discussions and challenging AWS Solutions.
Manuel is now responsible for AWS Solution Architecture by consulting clients in a guided but also hands-on way to implement the best solution architecture for the AWS cloud
Manuel was the "Swiss army knife" for building up the Frankfurt Entity of kreuzwerker - I build it, run it, and see new business opportunities. He was responsible for all technical concerns including hiring processes and automation.
Manuel's mission is to deliver and run high-quality software in quick iteration cycles, optimize resource usage, and minimize costs.
Manuel was responsible for codifying and ramping up infrastructure with terraform, managing Docker swarms, and automating everything with bash, typescript, and go.
Manuel was among other tasks a teaching assistant for undergraduate students in Java and Databases and a lead developer for a hybrid web app.
Manuel was responsible for backend services powering the order process for DSL landlines for new and existing customers.
Software engineering with emphasis on efficient algorithms, software architectures, cryptography, mobile, and distributed systems.
Grade 1.5 (scale from 1-5 with 1 being the best)
Successfully accomplished Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning online courses at Stanford in 2011. Specialized in software engineering, parallel programming, and computer vision. Tutor in object-oriented programming and data structures in Java and C++.