A passion-driven, self-starter and result-oriented developer with +8 years of professional experience in tech who works well independently as well as interdependently in both remote and on-site environments.
NodeJS, Typescript, NestJS, Laravel, Laminas, JavaEE (Spring boot), Python (FastAPI)
MySQL, MongoDB, Postgres, Doctrine, Eloquent, Mongoose, TypeORM, SQLAchemy
ClickUp, Trello, Zoho, AzureBoard
ReactJS (Typescript), NextJS, EJS, VueJS
Git, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Postman, NPM, Yarn, Composer, Figma, Framer
AWS EC2, Azure, GitHub Actions, Linode Server, Render, Heroku CLI, Deploybot, Cloudflare, DigitalOcean
Ionic Framework (ReactJS)
REST, GraphQL, Http, CURL, Axios, Postman, SwaggerHub
Slack, Telegram, Discord, Whatsapp
In a collaborative effort with a cross-functional team, I contributed to the development and delivery of an efficient and innovative solution within the scope of the product. Some key features I took ownership of includes: the Authentication, credit-notes, and money bulk-transfer.
I upgraded the menufinder backend codebase from Laravel 5 to Laravel 10. I also integrated the shipday (a delivery service) api to replace the already integrated Picup service.
I was tasked with full responsibility of integrating various third-party APIs into a payment aggregator backend service and also performed high-end codebase refactoring.
I took ownership of the entire backend micro-services powering the WayaQuick mobile banking solution. I worked with a large team to build highly scalable services and maintain the product's user base.
This role required of me the use of various technical skills: AzureBoards, Git, Jenkins, Kafka, Grafana, Sonar, and others.
I took up the responsibilities of being the Lead Developer of the Software development team at Kemonai. I and my team members worked together to build various internal projects for the company. My core responsibilities were to manage the company's cloud server, review/merge PRs from my team members, guide and expose junior team members to new tech tools, test and deploy working functionalities to production, task breakdown and assignments for team members and mentorship.
I was hired to work with a team of developers to build web applications for their clients. I was made to work under tight deadlines to meet up with clients requests. The core foundational languages used was PHP and Doctrine
I worked as a web developer (junior) for this tech company, with a team of more experienced developers where we developed various internal projects, my team and I used HTML, CSS, Vanilla Javascript, PHP, and MySQL (Doctrine) as the key foundation languages to deliver the projects.
I worked as a web developer for this tech company, with a team of remote developers where we developed various light-weight projects, my team and I used Javascript (jQuery), PHP and MySQL as the key development languages to deliver these projects.
KemonAI is a generative AI chatbot prototype similar to the likes of ChatGPT. It is available for public use at https://chat.kemonai.com
A superfast no-code, all-in-one portfolio builder for techies that enables them to showcase their best self by linking all thier public profiles into one portfolio. This SaaS features multi-template options, custom domain name management, integrations with GitHub, GitLab, Dribbble, Hashnode, Google, Medium, and lots more.
Ayapone is a Web3 e-commerce platform where people can buy and sell electronic gadgets using Ayapone token (AYP) which is Ayapone’s native currency.
Credo is Africa's first Social Payments Platform with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Whatsapp integrations for social buying. It also features a powerful payment gateway with a minimal 40% fraud rate.
A fintech solution that provides the simplest way to accept payments from customers anytime, anywhere via several methods including but not limited to: Credit/debit card, Bank Account, USSD, PayAttitude, Wallet, etc.
Zigatext is a cloud messaging platform for single/bulk SMS, phonebook contact services, auto pilot birthday messaging and lots of other exciting functionality.
Yumexz AutoTrading is an automated cryptocurrency trading bot with a unique trading strategy to help attend 98% profit while you sleep.
An Human Resource Management solutions for employee management. This software aids in increasing productivity by assisting the company in efficiently managing their personnel. The software features an efficient dashboard, payroll management, hiring and onboarding, performance tracking, employee databank, multi-branch management, chat system, etc.
Best-rated billing and inventory management application for small to large scale businesses. Smatsella have all major features relating to inventory management to improve your business growth.
An event management system with contest voting capabilities which featured image, video, poll voting.
An easy way for you to connect with all your friends, family and fans and keep you updated with every moment, memories and event happening around them while still been paid for doing your daily chats.
A multi-level marketing software deals with every aspect of the network marketing business from downline management to complex financial calculations. This software helps the company to manage their marketers.
A Saas based application with focus on item delivery for dispatch riders.
Grayswipe is a mobile based salon management and booking software, a platform that gives its users access to best salons with best services near by, at affordable prices in India.
Paysure offers a central platform for all financial transactions by providing a payment aggregator service that handles all transaction routing.
BrandDrive offers the easiest way to manage and grow your business by providing all the soft tools you need to manage your business online and in-store through features such as smart accounting, no code e-commerce, retail point of sale, and digital payments.
M8s Online is a leading dating platform that connects people from all around the world. M8s brings a whole new experience to online dating by connecting serious-minded people looking for long-lasting meaningful relationships, romantic interests, friendships, or even something more casual.
TrustReload is a payment platform that provides users access to a broad range of financial services that allow you to send and receive money, and make and receive payments; you can also buy and send airtime wherever you are.
Menufinder Africa is a curated food delivery app that partners with a vetted selection of Africa's leading restaurants and food vendors, providing a quick and easy way to search for, discover and order food.
GDGs are local groups of developers who are specifically interested in Google products and APIs: everything from Android, App Engine, and Mobile Web platforms, to product APIs for products like Google Maps, YouTube, Google Calendar, and more.
We are community groups for college and university students interested in Google developer technologies.
NACOS is the umbrella body for students studying Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Systems, Cyber Security, Software Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering, and all IT-related courses in Nigeria.
A tech community for changing the tech narrative in Calabar.
The Community of Developers and aspiring developers within the University of Port Harcourt.
A virtual IT Company with the vision of educating and empowering all females across Africa with on demand tech skills without them having to leave the comfort of their homes.