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Professional Experience
05/2024 – Present | Vadodara, India
  • Developed a Next.js application with a MySQL backend to manage large datasets effectively.
  • Implemented virtual scrolling to handle extensive data sets, ensuring smooth navigation.
  • Optimized JavaScript code to minimize load times and improve resource efficiency.
  • Integrated JWT (JSON Web Tokens) to ensure secure user authentication.
  • 05/2023 – 04/2024 | VADODARA, India
  • Worked on live project on Reactjs in frontend with various libraries:MUI,
  • Redux.Backend: strapi, Expressjs APIs, JWT Token Worked on Github and Bitbucket.

  • Maintained AWS Instance, Optimized the project reduced about 2000 lines of code
  • using reusable Reactjs functional component & conditional rendering using JSX

    12/2022 – 04/2023 | Ahmedabad, India
  • Designed and Developed a Full Stack Web Application using MERN stack
  • Technology, including React, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB.
  • Participated in regular code reviews and testing to ensure high-quality,functional software.
  • Projects
  • Nextjs With TypeScript backend in SQL Supabase, full stack with admin and user site.
  • Fully responsive web application in Tailwind CSS Dynamic Routing.
  • Designed and developed Fullstack responsive web application in MERN Stack
  • Optimized SEO, Performance, Speed, Google Indexing
  • 2 sites user and admin full stack mern application
  • JWT token, express APIs, mongodb database, Invertry management system for Laundry Business
  • Skills

    React, Nextjs, Redux, Typescript, Bootstrap, Tailwind


    oops, DSA, SQL, NoSQL, UX|UI, Web Development


    Nodejs, Express.js, Mongodb, MySQL, Java, Github


    JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, Python

    Bachelor in Computer Application, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
    08/2020 – 04/2023 | Vadodara, India