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Seif Eddine Slimene Fullstack Javascript Developer
Professional Experience
2021 Jan – presentTunis, Tunisia
Frontend Developer, Apprentus
  • Led the development of innovative user-focused features, significantly boosting user engagement and satisfaction through detailed analysis of user behavior.
  • Built a repository of reusable codes and libraries, enhancing future development, improving code quality, and streamlining workflow.
  • Played a key role in technical validation of UI/UX designs, ensuring they were viable, aesthetically pleasing, and functional, thus maintaining a high-quality user experience.
  • Optimized application performance for improved speed and scalability, resulting in a superior user experience that exceeded expectations.
  • Addressed cross-browser compatibility issues, ensuring a consistent user experience across platforms and retaining a diverse user base.
  • Focused on SEO principles, improving the application's online visibility, search engine rankings, and significantly increasing website traffic.
  • 2019 Dec – 2021 JanTunis, Tunisia
    Fullstack Developer, Independant Freelancer
  • Led numerous projects with a diverse range of clients, significantly contributing to each, including the development of a Booking Plugin System using Stencil.js to streamline appointment booking processes.
  • Designed the system to integrate seamlessly into any website via a Javascript script tag, enhancing the user experience through a straightforward booking journey:
  • - Starts with a discreet icon on the site.

    - Icon click reveals a pop-up with a list of services.

    - Users select services and proceed to pick times, displayed through a calendar view.

    - Ajax is utilized for dynamic presentation of available slots, allowing users to choose suitable times.

    - Final step involves users confirming their booking details and entering personal information.

  • Actively performed troubleshooting and enhancements on WordPress websites, handling tasks from minor bug fixes to major performance improvements using HTML, CSS, and PHP to boost site functionality and user experience.
  • 2017 Jun – 2019 NovMonastir, Tunisia
    Functional ERP Administrator, LE SOIE S.A.R.L.
  • Took a proactive role in the seamless integration of innovative features into the ERP system, leveraging a wide range of APIs with proficiency. This strategic involvement not only markedly improved the system's functionality but also dramatically elevated the overall user experience.
  • Led the charge in devising and compiling detailed documentation that thoroughly explained the usage and advantages of the recent additions to the system. This initiative played a critical role in ensuring users could easily adapt to the changes, promoting a more fluid transition and enhancing user satisfaction.
  • Top Skills
    Material UI
    Linux Administration
    Tailwind CSS
    Redux Toolkit
    AWS / GCP
    2022 Dec – 2023 Jun
    Blogify, Blog System Website

    Blogify is an advanced open source Content Management System (CMS) utilizing top technologies for optimal performance:

  • MySQL for secure data storage, ensuring content is safely stored and accessible.
  • Next.js as the front-end framework, enhancing user interface experience.
  • Nest.js for scalable server-side framework, supporting robust server logic.
  • Amazon S3 for reliable and secure object storage, managing large data and media files efficiently.
  • Key features of Blogify include:

  • Article and Page Management for efficient creation, editing, and organization.
  • Knowledge Booklet to compile and share informational brochures.
  • Comment and Email Management for moderating discussions and handling email communications.
  • Statistics for insights into website traffic and user interaction.
  • File Management and System Settings to streamline digital storage and customize system preferences.
  • 2022 Jan – 2022 Apr
    Mosaic, Social Media Website

    Mosaic is a social media web platform, leveraging technologies such as Next.js for server-side rendering, Neon's serverless driver for PostgreSQL, Clerk for secure authentication, React Query for state management, TailwindCSS for custom design development, and Shadcn/UI for UI components, deployed on Vercel and Neon.

  • Implemented features including user registration/login, CRUD operations for posts with mention options, comments, likes, new reactions introduction, a dedicated profile page, follower system, notifications, and a responsive design for optimal user experience across devices.
  • 2021 Mar – 2021 Aug
    WebShop, E-Commerce Website

    WebShop is An open-source e-commerce platform with distinct user and admin interfaces.

  • Technologies used: Next.js for performance, Tailwind CSS for design, Headless UI for flexibility, JWT for security, and Redux Toolkit/RTK Query for state management.
  • Key user features: Homepage, multi-level categories, product details, account functions (login/registration, profile, order/review history), search, cart, checkout, address management, and recent visit tracking.
  • Admin features: Admin login, Admin Center, management of users, categories (with tree structure), products (specifications and management), orders, reviews, and content (sliders and banners).