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Khin Mo Mo ZinSoftware Engineer
Web Development Bootcamp, Lighthouse Labs
Jan 2023 – Mar 2023 Calgary, Canada
Graduate Diploma in Systems Analysis, NUS
Aug 2017 – Aug 2018 Singapore
BSc. in Information System and Software Engineering, Oxford Brookes University
Apr 2009 – Mar 2013 Singapore

Javascript, Typescript, Java, Ruby, Android, PHP, C#, HTML, CSS

Framework & Library

React.js, Remix.js, Next.js, Node.js, Rails, Ajax, JQuery, Express, BootStrap, SASS, EJS, ERB, JSP, Axios, ReactFullCalendar, Draft.js, Chart.js, AOS Animation


PostgresSQL, Prisma, MS SQL Server, MongoDB, SQLite, SQL Anywhere


Mocha, Chai, Jest, Cypress, Storybook, Rspec

Version Control System

Subversion (SVN), Git (GitHub, TortoiseGit)

API Integration

Stripe, Deck.gl, Leaflet, GeoApify, Weather, Spotify

Interpersonal Skills

Team Collaboration, Effective Communication, Problem Solving, Time Management, Adaptability


Results-driven software engineer with an emphasis on full-stack web development. Experienced in collaborating within large teams, focusing on efficient cross-team communication and process refinement to optimize pipelines.

MoJo (Mood Journal), March 2023

A mood management web app for daily journaling, habit tracking, and music suggestion to match the current mood.

Tech Stack: NodeJS, Express(RESTful routes), React.js, JSX, SASS, PostgresSQL, cookie-session

Wiki Map, Feb 2023

A responsive web app that allows users to collaboratively create maps with collection of locations points.

Tech Stack: NodeJS, Express(RESTful routes), JQuery, CSS, HTML, PostgresSQL

Software Engineer, Full Stack Development, TOTEC AI Energy
Dec 2023 – present | Calgary, Canada
  • Design and structure databases, to optimize data processing of large GeoJSON and Excel files, enhancing system efficiency.
  • Develop and implement algorithms for extracting data for data visualization on map and creating comprehensive graphs.
  • Write clean, optimized code to ensure the smooth operation of the company's website, contributing to a seamless user experience.
  • Entrepreneur, MOASH Home & Kitchen
    Nov 2020 – Mar 2023 | Canada
  • Established a successful E-commerce family startup on Amazon with a strong customer rating and profit margin.
  • Designed and developed the company website, enabling shopping and support via form submission.
  • Full Stack & Andriod Developer, Surbana Jurong Privated Limited
    Feb 2018 – Aug 2020 | Singapore
  • Optimized code, added new features, and detailed reports for website enhancement and improved user experience.
  • Developed secure Restful APIs with JWT tokens for faster data transfer.
  • Enhanced the Android app with NFC tag reading, QR code scanning, and camera features.
  • Optimized SQL stored procedures, significantly improving mobile app speed.
  • System Engineer, IBM
    Jul 2013 – Jul 2017 | Singapore
  • Supervised IT Operation teams across multiple data centers in various Hospitals, ensuring the smooth daily operation.
  • Orchestrated and coordinated with different teams for the successful monthly SAP ERP System Refresh.
  • Promoted from IT Operation Specialist within two years.
  • Volunteer
    Full Stack Developer, Eleat Technologies
    Apr 2023 – May 2023 | Calgary, Canada

    Collaborated with a local startup to upgrade their restaurant service web app, leveraging modern tech stacks.

    Community Volunteer, Mackenzie Towne Council
    May 2023 – present | Calgary, Canada

    Contributed to community through event photography, promotion of committee events, and assistance to an elderly home.


    Fast Learner, Independent Worker