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Nuray Kılıç Software Engineer

As a software engineer, I have experience in technologies like C#, .Net Core, Entity Framework Core, Onion Architecture, Generic Repository and N-Layered Architecture. My passion for continuous learning, innovative solutions, and strong communication makes me a valuable team player.

Work Experience
December 2023 – presentAnkara, Turkey
Software Engineer, Tiga Information Technologies Inc.
May 2022 – November 2023Ankara, Turkey
Software Engineer, Adam POS Ltd. Şti
  • I have been involved in numerous projects, including a Windows Service project where I performed bug fixes and implemented new features to facilitate data transfer between two databases.
  • I developed a reporting application that allows our clients to view their daily revenues and review and approve orders. I was part of the entire development process for this project, handling the backend with .NET 6 Web API and the frontend with ASP.NET MVC. We employed N-Layered Architecture and used DB First approach, working with PostgreSql and Oracle databases.
  • To enable our clients to create orders from both mobile and web applications, we developed a .NET 6 Web API. In this project, we utilized Onion Architecture and the Generic Repository pattern. We also incorporated libraries such as JWT Token, DI, AutoMapper, and Fluent Validation. Our choice of databases included PostgreSql, Oracle, and MSSql.
  • October 2020 – February 2021Ankara, Turkey
    Intern, ELD Bilişim A.Ş
  • I have actively participated in a meteorology project that utilized Asp.Net 4 on the backend and Angular on the frontend. Throughout the project, we have been following the Scrum model, conducting daily and weekly meetings to progress tracking.
  • To manage our source code and version control, we have utilized both TFS and GitLab.
  • July 2018 – August 2018Samsun, Turkey
    Intern, Webbeyaz Web Tasarım
  • I developed an e-commerce application using PHP, MySql, PDO
  • Education
    September 2016 – February 2021Trabzon, Turkey
    Karadeniz Technical University, Software Engineering

    - C#, Asp.Net MVC, .Net 6, .Net API, Entity Framework, TDD(Unit Testing), Nodejs, Java

    - RabbitMQ, Hangfire, Redis

    - SQL, MSSQL, PostgreSql, MongoDB, Oracle

    - Git, Github, TFS, Scrum


    - Html, CSS, Bootstrap,

    - JavaScript, Jquery,

    - Angular 15

    .Net 6 Bookstore Web API

    CRUD operations, TDD, DI, Fluent Validation, AutoMapper, Entity Framework Core,

    Support Forums

    N-Layered Architecture with Asp.Net MVC for Support Forums App

    Education Portal

    I developed education, course application with NodeJs, ExpressJs, MongoDB.

    Photo Catalog

    I developed photo galeria a Rest API with Nodejs, Express.js, MongoDB

    Papara .Net Core Bootcamp Asistant

    .Net Core, EF Core, Middleware, Fluent Validation,

    AutoMapper and Hangfire

    İnavitas & Patika.dev Node.js Bootcamp

    Nodejs, Kafkajs, PostgreSql, MongoDB, Redis

    Frontend Web Development Patika

    Html, Css, Bootstrap, Javascript

    Kübra BİLGİÇ, Jr. Operations and Analytics Specialist, Huawei
    Fatih AYDIN, Senior Software Engineer, NETAŞ