As a software engineer, I have experience in technologies like C#, .Net Core, Entity Framework Core, Onion Architecture, Generic Repository and N-Layered Architecture. My passion for continuous learning, innovative solutions, and strong communication makes me a valuable team player.
- C#, Asp.Net MVC, .Net 6, .Net API, Entity Framework, TDD(Unit Testing), Nodejs, Java
- RabbitMQ, Hangfire, Redis
- SQL, MSSQL, PostgreSql, MongoDB, Oracle
- Git, Github, TFS, Scrum
- Html, CSS, Bootstrap,
- JavaScript, Jquery,
- Angular 15
CRUD operations, TDD, DI, Fluent Validation, AutoMapper, Entity Framework Core,
N-Layered Architecture with Asp.Net MVC for Support Forums App
I developed education, course application with NodeJs, ExpressJs, MongoDB.
I developed photo galeria a Rest API with Nodejs, Express.js, MongoDB
.Net Core, EF Core, Middleware, Fluent Validation,
AutoMapper and Hangfire
Nodejs, Kafkajs, PostgreSql, MongoDB, Redis
Html, Css, Bootstrap, Javascript