A Software Engineer with a B.E. in Computer Engineering with a passion for developing full-stack web applications that are visually appealing and high quality. Skilled in React.js, Next.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL, TypeScript, and JavaScript while adhering to best practices and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
A Reddit-like platform where users can create or join communities, leave comments, and upvote or downvote posts and comments. Built with Next.js App Router, it utilizes interception and parallel routing, Redis for caching, MySQL for database, Prisma ORM, NextAuth for authentication, and Tailwind CSS for styling.
A full-featured eCommerce platform built with React.js, Redux.js, Express.js, MongoDB, and PayPal SDK. The app includes an admin dashboard, and the ability to review and rate purchased products.
My first full-stack project using the MERN stack, which includes MongoDB, Express.js, React.js (with Redux.js), and Node.js. I implemented email verification, access and refresh JWT tokens for authentication, as well as a using next-gen image format to improve load times.
The graduation project was built with Oracle Database and Oracle APEX and focuses on randomizing questions and dynamically generating answer options to prevent students from cheating.