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Kevin Liebholz CV

Transitioning to tech leadership to lead, inspire, and coach teams toward sustainable, customer-driven solutions.

Dynamic Ruby on Rails developer transitioning into tech leadership, equipped with robust full-stack development skills and entrepreneurial experience. Passionate about creating customer-centric solutions by leveraging technology to support impactful visions. Committed to integrating customer insights with strategic innovation to guide teams toward achieving excellence and a sustainable tomorrow. Eager to lead, inspire, and coach teams in roles that demand a blend of technical proficiency, team leadership, strategy, and a commitment to sustainability.

Please find a job description on my website.

challenger, questions asker & team supporter with a focus on long-term outcomes
quick & enthusiastic practical learner
Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Hotwire, RSpec, Capybara, Cypress
SQL, PostgresSQL, MySQL
ES6 JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SASS, SCSS, Bootstrap, Tailwind
Heroku, AWS
CI/CD pipeline setup & maintenance
test driven development (TDD)
team leadership, teamwork, communication
Project & stakeholder management
presentations & talks
process development
concept development (in cooperation with stakeholders) & story/ticket writing
Going Native: Turbo Native & Strada

Frankfurt Ruby Meetup, April 2024

Hotwire: Applied Turbo 8

Frankfurt Ruby Meetup, January 2024

Speaker at RailsConf 2023 Atlanta

Exploring the Power of Turbo Streams & ActionCable

Advanced Turbo Stream - NOT a Chat

Franfurt Ruby Meetup, January 2023

Backend Developer, IoT Venture GmbH
12/2023 – present | Darmstadt, Germany
  • Lead developer for integrating a payment provider (concept, project management, and coding)
  • Concept ownership of an integration project with one of our biggest customers
  • Developing and conceptualizing new features, refactoring the legacy app, code reviews, Full-Stack, APIs
  • Stack: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Hotwire, Stimulus, ES6 Javascript, Haml, SCSS, SASS, Elastic Cloud, Heroku, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sidekiq, Redis, REST APIs, Bootstrap
  • Initiator of the Backend Book Club
  • Holding internal technical talks
  • Part of the Corporate Influencer team
  • First aider and fire protection and evacuation assistant
  • Software/Web Engineer, portagon GmbH (former CrowdDesk GmbH)
    05/2020 – 11/2023 | Frankfurt, Germany
  • Developing and conceptualizing new features, improving legacy software, code reviews, Full-Stack, APIs, Dev Ops
  • Stack: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Hotwire, Stimulus, ES6 Javascript, Haml, SCSS, Heroku, AWS, PostgreSQL, Sidekiq, Redis, REST APIs, Bootstrap
  • Lead developer and requirements engineering for new products/features and integrations
  • Stakeholder management
  • Taking part in job interviews
  • Created department onboarding concept
  • Onboarding mentor & mentoring junior staff
  • Introducing & leading knowledge transfer and business-wide feature reviews
  • Facilitating team retrospectives
  • Holding internal technical talks & feature presentations
  • Part of motivation team (GOATs)
  • First aider and fire protection and evacuation assistant
  • Co-Owner & CTO, eFairSorger GbR (sidebusiness)
    02/2014 – present | Karlsruhe, Germany
    Le Wagon Batch #341, Coding Bootcamp
    2019 | Barcelona
  • 9-week coding Bootcamp
  • Eberhard-Karls-University Tuebingen, B. Sc. Economics & Business Administration (Grade: 1.6 - scale 1 (best) to 6)
    2014 – 2018 | Germany
  • Thesies: How can Narcissists Be Motivated to Contribute to Collective Action? (Grade: 1.7 - scale 1 (best) to 6)
  • Sonoma State University, Semester abroad
    2016 | USA
    FirstRubyFriend, Mentor

    Mentoring junior developers

    interest_days gem, Open Source

    Providing interest day factor calculation based on ISDA