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2018 – 2020Hyderabad, India
Intermediate Education (12th), MPC, Narayana Junior College

Percentage - 96.6%

2018Hyderabad, India
Secondary School (10th), TS SSC, Narayana Concept School

GPA - 9.7

Professional Experience
Jul 2023 – Oct 2023Remote, India
Javascript Developer, Fridayy AI

As a JavaScript Plugin Developer, I create user-friendly plugins for affiliate link generation, product information display, and security, while providing technical support and optimizing performance.

Jan 2024 – Jun 2024Bangalore, India
Technical Solutions Engineer, Databricks

I ensure customer success by resolving technical escalations, providing deep code-level Spark analysis, offering best practices, and optimizing data workflows to unlock the full potential of customer data.

Research & Publications
Jun 2023
Machine Learning Based Firewall in Software Defined Networks, IEEE 14th ICCCNT 2023

Architected a cutting-edge Machine Learning algorithm that detects malicious packets by analysing headers and source IP addresses; reduced security breaches by 89% in networks using POX and RYU based SDN controllers.

Aug 2022
Implementation of ADMM onto LASSO and Ridge regressions, IEEE 2nd CONIT 2022

Implementation of an optimization technique called ADMM(Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers) onto LASSO and Ridge regression and analysing the performance with other techniques on a diabetes data-set of 1000 samples.

Jul 2022
Producer-Consumer Problem using Thread-Pool, IEEE 3rd INCET 2022

Optimized an OTP Messaging application performance by implementing Threadpool instead of threads for the Producer-Consumer problem, resulting in a 40% increase in response time and reducing server load by 25%.

Jul 2022
Picasso Art Bot - A contour mapping & tracing robot using Raspberry Pi.

Innovated a Python-based interface that accepts a photo and feeds it to a multi- threaded Turtlesim bot in a ROS simulation that maps the contour of the given input image and then commands a hardware-implemented 4-wheeled droid built using a raspberry pi microprocessor that draws the contour as a sketch on a piece of canvas.

Jun 2022
Pneumonia and COVID-19 detection using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

Trained and validated a robust deep learning model employing CNN techniques, enabling accurate identification of pneumonia and COVID-19 cases from X-ray images with a precision of 92% and recall of 89%.

Dec 2021
Sudoku Validator using Multi-Threading.
  • The project employs multi-threading to validate Sudoku solutions by analysing a 9x9 matrix.
  • It implements four models: 1 Thread, 3 Thread, 11 Thread, and 27 Thread model.
  • Nov 2021
    Car Price Prediction
  • Developed a ML project using Kaggle car data-set of ~300 samples.
  • Random Forest Regressor is used for predicting used car prices based on 7 features.
  • The model receives inputs from a Flask-powered web page and achieved an accuracy of 93.4%.
  • Skills
    Languages :

    C/C++, Java, Python, SQL


    DSA, OOP, Computer Networking


    Pytorch, Scikit-Learn, Keras, Tensorflow

    DBMS :

    MySQL, MongoDB

    Tools :

    Photoshop, Matlab, Xcode, Latex, Excel

    OS :

    Unix (macOS, Linux), Windows

    Web Development :

    HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap, Node.js, Django, Flask

    VCS :

    Git and Github


    Read, Write, Speak and Understand.


    Read, Write, Speak and Understand.


    Read, Write, Speak and Understand. - (Native)

    Extra Curricular Activities
    May 2023
    Techgium Hackathon, Initiative by L&T Techonology Services.
  • Designed a Flask-based image processing web application that integrated with a Deep Neural Network model; enabled users to receive accurate handwritten text predictions with 98% accuracy in under 5 seconds.
  • Apr 2023
    The Live-in-Labs® Program, Amrita School of Sustainable Development
  • Key participant in a college-organised Live-in Labs research program focused on the social welfare of people, in collaboration with YEIDA organisation.
  • Conducted problem identification and root cause analysis using Human-Centered Design (HCD) tools in Bhatta village, NCR region of Delhi.
  • Nov 2022
    "Here to Ever", As a part of SSR programme, initiated by CIR.
  • Led a student social responsibility initiative in Kollam, Kerala, organising a comprehensive career counseling event for 10th-grade students.
  • We covered diverse IT domains, positively impacted 150+ students from three educational institutions, guiding them in exploring computer science opportunities.
  • Jan 2022
    TAG Member - Ai@Amrita Club
  • Conducted workshop on "Supervised ML models - Lasso and Ridge Regression."
  • Conducted webinar on "AI in Search Engine Optimization (SEO)."
  • Courses & Workshops
    Jun 2023
    Neural Networks and Deep Learning, Coursera
    Dec 2022
    Data Science & Data Engineering, Amrita TBI
    Aug 2022
    iOS App Development, Teja Live UI
    Reading Books|Cracking puzzles|Programming|Photography|Travelling