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Federico MazzoniAI & Data Scientist
resume profile picture
20 Feb 1995
Via Privata Bianchi 6, Pisa, Italy
[email protected]
Project Portfolio

Mother tongue


FCE - C1


Fit - A2

Key Digital Skills

Data analysis and visualization

Dataset pre-processing

Imbalanced learning, PCA, data

augmentation, fairness, outliers,

and missing values

Classification, regression, and clustering

Also with data streams and incremental learning

Model evaluation and explanation

Programming & Query Languages:

Python, R, Java, JavaScript, SQL, MDX, Bash

Some of the libraries I used:

Pandas, SKLearn, Numpy, PyTorch, PySpark, NetworkX, NLTK, DEAP, Matplotlib, Seaborn, RiverML, Streamlit, Langchain


National PhD Program in Artificial Intelligence

Università di Pisa
2022 – 2024 | Pisa, Italy

I mainly focused on creating a hybrid decision-maker (HDM):

  • Envisioning a Human-in-the-Loop HDM system, able to learn the behaviour of a human user and help them make decisions;
  • Making the assistant an independent human surroga
  • Evaluating user-machine trust by analyzing prompts and textual responses;
  • Detecting potential drifts in data over time;
  • Supervisors: Professors R. Guidotti & A. Malizia.
  • I also held lectures, edited slides, helped students, and examined them. In particular, I supervised the Master's thesis SafeGen: A Data-Anonymization Fairness-Enhancing Framework.

    I left the PhD program halfway in due to personal issues.

    Summer School AI & Society

    University of Pisa
    2023 | La Maddalena, Italy

    School focused on the ethical ramifications of AI. With other colleagues, I proposed the project "IUS - Intelligent University System", which won the project work contest.

    Master's Degree in Digital Humanities | 110 cum laude

    University of Pisa
    2020 – 2022 | Pisa, Italy

    Data Science and Language Technologies (NLP)

    Relevant Exams: Data Mining, Social Network Analysis, Text Analytics, Distributed Data Analysis and Mining, Semantic Web, Laboratory of Data Science, Computational Linguistics

  • Proposing GenFair, a framework to remove discrimination towards demographic groups in training datasets, thus mitigating the bias of models trained on them;
  • GenFair employs a genetic algorithm to create synthetic data, enhancing the original dataset;
  • Good experimental results, overcoming several limitations of state-of-the-art competitors.
  • Soft Skills
    Lateral Thinking
    Team Management
    Stress Management

    Improvisational Theatre

    2015 – 2017 | Pisa, Italy

    I played improvisational theatre with Arsenale Delle Apparizioni. This experience helped me learn how to speak in public and how to respond to unexpected events.

    Peer Reviewer


    I reviewed papers for the Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2024), the Workshop on Adaptive eXplainable AI (AXAI 2024), and the International Conference on Discovery Science 2024 (DS 2024).

    Scientific Publications

    F. Mazzoni, R. Pellugrini, R. Guidotti - Bridging the Gap in Hybrid Decision-Making Systems*

    European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases 2024

    F. Mazzoni, S. Mazzarino, G. Rossetti - TETRA: TExtual TRust Analyzer for a Gricean Approach to Social Networks

    International Conference on Discovery Science 2024

    F. Mazzoni, A. Failla, G. Rossetti - FairNet: A Genetic Framework to Reduce Marginalization in Social Networks

    Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining 2024

    F. Mazzoni, R. Guidotti, A. Malizia - A Frank System for Co-Evolutionary Hybrid Decision-Making

    Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis 2024

    F. Mazzoni, M. Manerba, M. Cinquini, R. Guidotti - GenFair: A Genetic Fairness-Enhancing Data Generation Framework

    International Conference on Discovery Science 2023

    F. Mazzoni, A. Failla, S. Citraro - Quantifying and Reducing Marginalization in Networks: a Genetic Approach

    International Conference for Computational Social Science 2022

    A. Failla, F. Mazzoni, S. Citraro - Attribute-aware Community Events in Feature-rich Dynamic Networks

    International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications 2022

    * = Currently under review

    Professional Experience

    AI Integration Engineer

    2024 – present | Pisa, Italy

    My work focused on developing LLM-based AI solutions to help the company's sales and support team, and on enhancing the company's Salesforce platform.

    Freelance Data Analyst

    2022 | Pisa, Italy

    As a freelance, I worked on data analysis projects, including:

  • A recommendation system, employing both content-based and collaborative filtering approaches;
  • Compiling a new dataset by scraping multiple data sources.
  • Trainee

    University of Pisa
    2022 | Pisa, Italy

    Traineeship focused on pre-processing for outlier detection.

    Creative Director and Writer

    Emergency / Tunué
    2019 – 2020 | Milan / Latina, Italy

    I wrote the script and supervised the artists for the graphic novel project I colori di una nuova vita. This experience taught me how to lead a large project team.


    Cassiopea Production
    2018 – 2019 | Rome, Italy
    I authorize the processing of personal data contained in my curriculum vitae based on art. 13 GDPR 679/16.