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JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Python


Presentation, Project management, Leadership, Collaborative problem solving


React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, styled-components, Node.js, REST, Stripe, Firebase, Vercel, Sanity, MongoDB

Language Skills

English (Native)

Japanese (Business Level, JLPT N2)


Git/GitHub, Agile methodology, CI/CD, TDD

2023 Feb – present | Tokyo, Japan

Built a clone of the popular DALL-E AI text-to-image generation app.

  • Developed mobile responsive web app using MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) and TypeScript.
  • Implemented and integrated OpenAI's advanced machine learning model to generate AI produced images, leveraging cutting-edge technologies to deliver high-quality results for users.
  • Created a seamless user experience by developing intuitive and user-friendly interfaces, enabling users to generate images with ease.
  • Portfolio-Next.js

    Frontend Developer
    2023 Feb – present

    Migrated open-source project that uses plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript app to Next.js framework and focus on improving web performance, accessibility, and SEO.

  • Improved web performance, accessibility, and SEO by 17%, 29%, and 10%, respectively, using Chrome DevTools' Lighthouse.
  • Deployed app using Vercel.
  • Continued refactoring and adding features to web application that allows users to discover multiple ways their name can be written in Japanese.

  • Further personalized user experience by integrating DeepL and Kanji alive APIs together for more accurate transliteration of Kanji data.
  • Redesigned app by migrating React app to Next.js framework and adding mobile responsiveness.
  • Diagnosed and improved web performance by 10%, accessibility by 3%, and SEO by 8% by using Chrome DevTools Lighthouse and refactor accordingly.
  • Developed website for client that provides digital MRV data connectors for bringing supply-side carbon onto the blockchain.

  • Ensured seamless user experience Built single-page-app using React and TypeScript, ensuring a seamless user experience.
  • Implemented CSS in JS components with styled-components for styling.
  • Avoided third party libraries whenever possible for improved web performance.
  • Developed web application to raise awareness and allow users to estimate their annual single-use plastic consumption and CO2 footprint emitted from those plastics.

  • Design website architecture, UI, and implemented frontend using React.
  • Implemented a mobile-first approach for styling utilizing Tailwind CSS.
  • Collaborated closely with the product owner to expand and refine features for better user engagement, resulting in a more intuitive and interactive user experience.
  • Utilized: React, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS, Node.js, Firebase, Stripe
  • Developed web application that allows users to discover multiple ways their name can be written in Japanese.

  • Built modular frontend with React and JavaScript, and compiled randomized Kanji data with Node.js for backend.
  • Produced accurate and dynamic data for personalized user experience by integrating Kanji alive API for transliteration and randomization of Kanji data.
  • Professional Experience

    Frontend Developer

    2022 Oct – 2022 NovCalifornia, United States of America
  • Utilized programming languages such as JavaScript and TypeScript and frameworks like React and Next.js to build websites.
  • Collaborated with client remotely to understand business needs, project requirements, and translate them into functional, user-friendly websites.
  • Helped clients with app deployment using platforms like GitHub Pages and Vercel.
  • Human Resources

    Borderlink, Inc.
    2020 Oct – 2022 Jun | Tokyo, Japan

    Supervised 70+ employees in Tokyo and Saitama areas.

  • Increased employee retention rate by 10% by thoroughly overseeing all aspects of employment contracts, training, and inquiries related to terms and conditions, compensation, and English language pedagogy.
  • Reduced incoming email load by 30% by aggregating employee/candidate FAQ and deploying chat bot utilizing Microsoft Power Virtual Agents.
  • Acted as the primary administrator for the chat bot, conducting regular unit tests and creating detailed documentation for the HR division of over 40 members.
  • Coordinated and conducted more than 50 teacher training and development seminars, providing best practices for teaching English as a foreign language, promoting student communication, and team-teaching.
  • Assistant Language Teacher

    Japanese Exchange and Teaching Programme
    2017 Jul – 2020 Jul | Kochi, Japan

    Served as primary assistant English teacher for 1st - 9th grade students.

  • Developed and delivered engaging and interactive lesson plans to a diverse student population of 300 students, ranging from grades 1st - 9th, averaging 20 lessons per week.
  • Promoted effective English communication between Japanese students and teachers by advising and providing best teaching practices to co-teachers.
  • Translated official city hall documents from Japanese to English.
  • Education and Courses
    2022 May – 2022 Sep | Tokyo, Japan
  • Acquired skills equivalent to Level 4 in IT Skills as set forth by Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry Notice No. 182 (2017):
  • Fullstack software development, including XP: pair programming and TDD/BDD for efficient development.
  • Development and maintenance based on open source tools and cloud architecture including CI/CD.
  • Lean startup mentality with persona creation and user stories.
  • Agile development and team communication / collaboration.
  • B.A. Japanese

    California State University of Fullerton
    2013 Aug – 2017 Jun | Fullerton, USA
  • Graduated magna cum laude (Total GPA: 3.78)
  • Dean's List Fall 2013, Fall & Spring 2014-2016
  • Member of The National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS)
  • Japanese Language, Culture, and Literature Studies

    Okayama University
    2015 Jul – 2016 Jul | Okayama, Japan
  • Received JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization) scholarship.