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Voracious & Relentless Multilingual Software Developer on a Mission to Advance Computing for Humanity

Technical Skills
Advanced Skills
Software Architecture
Design Patterns
Linux & OS
DevOps & SecOps
Cloud & Serverless
Project Management
Design Thinking
2023 – present
  • Official and premier cross-platform application of The FEU Tech ACM organization
  • Automate 90,000+ Undertaking PDF generations per year
  • Streamline 2,000+ event registration, attendance, and certificate generation per term
  • Serve 4,000+ Tamaraw students and faculty daily via general computing, event updates, and inboxing
  • Released on 4 major stores including Google Play Store, Microsoft Store, Xiaomi GetApps, & Huawei App Gallery
  • 2022 – present
  • The modern cross-platform note-taking & blogging application built on bleeding-edge technologies
  • 200+ users on Google Play Store and Microsoft Store
  • Education
  • 4-Years President's Scholar with High Honors
  • Taught 47 Grade 11 ICT students at Valenzuela National High School for Outreach Event
  • Showcased 100+ attendees the FEU Tech ACM Innovations including Project ACM-X & ACM Beyond Campus Initiative
  • Competed in UMAK IT Olympics, UP Diliman Algolympics, PLM InnOlympics, and 2024 Europe DeveloperWeek
  • Represented FEU Tech in major global technology and business summits:
  • 1st India-Philippine Tech Summit, Taiwan-Philippines Tech Summit, Alibaba Cloud Summit, Microsoft AI Summit, Google Developer Summit, Facebook Business Summit, Meta Business Messenging Summit, GitHub Field Day, Google Cloud Philippines Startup Connect, ADB Food Security Forum, USTDA Indo-Pacific Business Forum
  • Organizations

    FEU Tech Association for Computing Machinery

    Initiative Head
    2024 – present
  • Founded the ACM Beyond Campus Initiative to propel 500+ ACM members to become globally competitive
  • Aggregated 100+ events, certifications, scholarships, internships, hackathons, and programming competitions
  • Saved over $2000 on official GitHub Certifications Exams for organization upskilling across 30+ members in 5 days
  • Established partnerships with 2 leading technology industry companies
  • FEU Tech Association for Computing Machinery

    2023 – 2024
  • Migrated Laravel Codebase to modern NextJS deployed in a serverless cloud, running $0 per month
  • Led a 10-man team of the organization's software development team
  • Guided a team of 18 software developers for the web exposition of their thesis projects
  • Boosted LinkedIn engagements by 904% by effective administration and market research
  • FEU Tech Association for Computing Machinery

    Director for Academics
    2022 – 2023
  • Directed the academics committee of 6 junior officers for organizational events and duties
  • Organized 2 intercollegiate programming competitions attended by over 50 participants across the Philippines
  • Hosted 2 study sessions attended by over 100 computer science students
  • Served as external head for ITCF 4.0, contacting female founders, executives, and developers from major brands
  • FEU Tech Google Developer Student Clubs

    Lead Front-End Developer
    2023 – 2023
  • Managed a team of 5 software developers within the GDSC Technology Department
  • Coordinated with 25 core team members across departments to organize workshops
  • Co-organized in-person study jam sessions attended by over 100 students