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AMIT BARMAN Final year undergraduate of Indian Institute of Engineering Science & Technology, Shibpur
[email protected]
Vill- South Barasakdal, P.O- Barasakdal, P.S- Sahebganj, Coochbehar - 736169

A well-versed with research-oriented thinking abilities, and a fast kinesthetic learner with an innate natural curiosity for cutting-edge technologies, and proficient in Digital circuit design, IC layout designing, PCB designing, circuit designing, etc

24H Digital Clock & Implementation in FPGA board
Jul 2023 – present

24-hour digital clock design (my own idea) using J-K flip-flops and combinational logic circuits. Currently working on implementation in ZYNQ FPGA Arm development board

CMOS Inverter design, layout, simulation in Cadence Virtuoso
Aug 2023

Design circuit, layout of a CMOS Inverter using 90nm node, and simulation of its various types of outcomes in Cadence Virtuoso

Aug 2022

My own designed SSI(Small Scale Integration) Digital IC fully custom layout based on 180nm CMOS technology in Electric VLSI (open source) (without using Euler's rule) which will give us outputs of all the Logic gates.

An advanced version(using Euler's rule) of it's layout is designed using Cadence Layout XL based on 45nm technology.

40A motor driver
Mar 2023

A motor driver capable of carrying very high current(expectation of 40A)

Arithmetic Operator Unit (4-bit) design and Implementation in Xilinx Spartan 6 FPGA
Jun 2023 – Aug 2023

A combinational logic circuit that will add, subtract, multiply, and divide between two given inputs at the same time using Deeds & VHDL, this circuit has been tested in Xilinx Spartan 6 FPGA board

Displaying "HELLO AMIT BARMAN" on 16x2 LCD using Xilinx Spartan 6 FPGA
Sep 2023 – Oct 2023

A FPGA-based project in which I wrote "HELLO AMIT BARMAN" on a 16x2 LCD display using Verilog. This project is done using Xilinx Spartan 6 FPGA board and Xilinx ISE software.

ASIC design - frontend and backend, FPGA

Verilog HDL, Xilinx ISE, Xilinx Vivado, Electric VLSI system, Cadence Virtuoso

Electronics Device simulation


Circuit Design & Simulation

Analog - LTspice, Multisim & Digital - Deeds

PCB designing

Schematic, layout, 3D - KiCAD, EasyEDA


Raspberry Pi, ROS, Ardupilot, Gazebo, Arduino, NodeMCU - ESP8266, ESP32, l298n driver, nrf24l01 transceiver, joystick, Arduino IDE

Awards & Achievements
West Bengal Board Topper, WBCHSE
05 Oct 2020

8th rank in higher secondary education conducted by the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education

Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, Bachelor of Technology
Dec 2021 – present | Howrah, India
  • 4th year undergraduate in the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
  • CGPA : 8.36 [till 6th semester]
  • Core member of Robodarshan, the Robotics Society of IIESTS
  • Dinhata Soni Debi Jain High School, Higher Secondary
    2018 – 2020 | Coochbehar, India
  • Marks: 98.4% | Top 0.02% students in WBCHSE Board
  • Experiences
    Research Intern, Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC)
    May 2024 – Jul 2024 | Kolkata, India

    A premier R & D unit of the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India.

  • Project title: "Development of an Open source Autonomous Precision landing Quadcopter using ROS, DroneKit, and Gazebo."
  • Worked at the Computer and Informatics Building
  • Techkriti'23, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
    Mar 2023 | Kanpur, India
  • Participated in this intercollegiate technical fest of IITK
  • Participated in Manoeuvre - a robotic competition of gripping boxes and offroad tracks
  • Won the first round by 5-0 using our bot named Endurance, a four-wheeler remote control wired bot with gripper
  • Robocon Chapter 1.0, Robodarshan
    Dec 2022 | Howrah, India
  • Participated in Death Race and Soccred games of Robocon 1.0, the annual robotics competition of Our robotics society called Robodarshan in the year 2022-23
  • Our bot- Voyager, a Arduino based fully custom wireless bot using nrf24l01 transceiver & L298N driver
  • Hold 2nd position in Death Race & 3rd position in Soccred games
  • Interests
    VLSI, ULSIASIC, SoC, FPGACutting-Edge electronics technology in Space & Defense sectorRobotics & PCBA
    Robodarshan, Core Member
    Mar 2023 – present | Howrah, India

    Hold a position of responsibility in the electronics domain, help to take decisions, represent ideas, etc

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