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Amit Kumar Mishra

B.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering)

Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia
Dec 2020 – May 2024 New Delhi, India
Languages — Javascript, Golang, Solidity
Frameworks — ReactJS, NextJS, GatsbyJS, ExpressJS, Hardhat
Databases — MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Supabase
Git & Github
Scraping — BeautifulSoup, requests & selenium
Extra Curricular Activities

Cloud Computing

Successfully completed the 30DaysOfGoogleCloud Program by GCloud where I learned basic things like deploying VM instances and cloud storage buckets, building a Docker image, doing the analysis of terabytes of data using Bigquery, and more things like leveraging industrial applications using machine learning APIs from Google Cloud like Cloud NLP, OCR, Image analysis for location detection, face detection, Video intelligence, audio to text, etc.,

Professional Experience

Web3 Game Developer

Replit Bounty
  • Created a user-friendly interface for a web3 car quartet game using Solidity and React. Allowing players to connect wallets and play against computer opponent.
  • Wrote logic for the computer to be able to calculate winning chances for each attribute in the card and select attributes such that it wins against the player. Set up the database for vehicle data and for storing game logs.
  • Implemented smart contract for minting and trading the latest context-dependent multi-asset(ERC-5773) and equipable(or nestable) NFTs(ERC-6059) referred to as NFT 2.0.
  • Frontend Developer

    Akash Console(Open Source) | Bounty

    Akash Network - a decentralized cloud platform

    Ethereum Blockchain trainer


    Created learning materials and guided practices which can train a newcomer to become a blockchain developer.

  • Familiarised with Ethereum, swarm, whisper, and remix IDE. Introduced to basic terms like Gas fees, Nodes, clients and consensus mechanisms, etc.
  • Developed various guided practices, from setting up a local test network using Ganache and connecting Metamask for interacting with the network, to creating a private blockchain using geth.
  • Enabled them to understand smart contracts' lifecycle, solidity compilation & deployment, and security considerations when writing smart contracts. Creating custom ERC20, ERC721 standard tokens, and a marketplace contract using the Truffle framework.
  • Achievements

    Grant from Ethereum Ecosystem Support Program

    Ethereum Foundation
    Mar 2024
  • Encoding of function arguments to interact with contracts and sending transactions using ethRPCtoREST.
  • Gitcoin Eth Infra Grantee (GG-19)

    Jan 2024
  • Received grant for development of ethRPCtoREST.
  • Ethereum Protocol Fellowship

    Ethereum Foundation
    Nov 2023
  • I created ethRPCtoREST - a RESTful wrapper around JSON-RPC calls of execution layer APIs like eth_getBlockByHash/Number, etc.
  • It provides a simplified request structure and readable responses in comparison to hex-encoded data.