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Sulaiman TanbariSoftware Engineer
Technical Skills
Programming Languages — JavaScript | TypeScript | Python | Java, Frameworks — Vue.js | React.js | React Native | FastAPI | Express.js | Flask, DBMS — SQLite | MySQL | MongoDB, Other Technologies — HTML/CSS | Quasar | Sass | Bootstrap | Webpack | Jest | Docker | Git/Version Control | AWS | Terraform | GitHub Actions (CI/CD), Operation Systems — Windows | Linux | macOS
M. SC. Web Science, Syrian Virtual University

Master's degree focuses on web technologies and data management, covering topics such as web programming, data mining, distributed applications, web engineering, and web security, as well as advanced concepts in data repository and exchange, multimedia, mobile web, information retrieval, and web mining.

03/2019 – 08/2021Damascus, Syria
B. Eng. Computer Engineering, Damascus University

Bachelor's degree associated with the Electrical Engineering department. It contains courses in electrical and electronic Fundamentals, computer components, programming, software engineering, and computer science.

10/2013 – 10/2018Damascus, Syria
Work Experience
Software Engineer, InMachines Ingrassia GmbH
  • Led the development of a full-stack application controlling 5 open-source fab lab machines, including client-side, server-side, and low-level microcontroller communication.
  • Designed and implemented a client-side interface using TypeScript, Vue3.js, and Quasar UI framework, enabling users to control machines and perform various tasks.
  • 11/2023 – presentHamburg, Germany
  • Built a microservices-based server architecture using Python, with multiprocessing services facilitating communication between the interface and machines.
  • Developed real-time WebSocket services for seamless machine-to-interface communication, alongside FastAPI services handling REST API requests, and utilized MySQLite to manage machine data storage and retrieval within the system.
  • Enforced AI solutions within the software, including image generation, live stream camera stitching, and 3D surface scanning via depth estimation.
  • Programmed low-level automation tasks for microcontrollers using Arduino C, optimizing machine performance and operational tasks.
  • Experienced in deploying and maintaining software on Linux systems, with strong knowledge of Linux-based environments and system operations.
  • Development / Computer Science Intern, Tomorrow Biostasis
  • Spearheaded the transition of the company's mobile application to an open-source environment, fostering collaborative development and innovation while providing thorough project documentation.
  • Achieved a significant 47% reduction in AWS service expenses through conscientious analysis and optimization, aligning resources with the company's requirements and streamlining operations.
  • 04/2023 – 10/2023Berlin, Germany
  • Performed a novel feature utilizing React Native, TypeScript, Redux, and Swift (iOS), seamlessly integrating resting heart rate and movement data to enhance the automated emergency system, overcoming limitations in acquiring heart rate data from third-party smartwatch apps.
  • Resolved critical front-end and back-end issues, including bug fixes, library updates, and compatibility improvements in technologies such as Node.js, NestJS, Redis, MySQL, and TypeORM, resulting in improved stability, performance, and user experience for the mobile application.
  • Full-Stack Developer, Freelancer
  • Executed new features for an open-source project that provides script conversion between various texts within the Indic cultural sphere.
  • Added a new module for the project's Python package that allows for the conversion of Docx and XML files, increasing the capability and versatility of the project.
  • 06/2022 – 12/2022Berlin, Germany
  • Implemented two additional API methods using Flask, JavaScript, and REST architecture to allow the new features to be executed, making the project more accessible to users.
  • Adjusted the frontend system using Vue3.js, enabling the converted files to be served to users in a more user-friendly manner.