FlowCV Logo
Programming Languages

1. JavaScript, TypeScript


1. figma


1. ReactJs, Remix, NextJs, NuxtJs

2. redux, Redux-Saga/thunk, ContextAPI, mobX, zustand


1. NodeJs, ExpressJs, firebase, prisma

Open Source
active contributor, Real Dev Squad

core contributor calendarSite frontend,(building the next-gen open source event management and calendar app)

  • Setup CI/CD(gh actions) pipeline, asserting docs,contributing to architecture, build features end to end, communicating with stakeholders, reviewing PR's, writing tests
  • helped in improving page loads by considering server cost and api calls, link to issue
  • Tech Stack: RemixJs, MSW, React testing library, jest, prisma, mysql
  • contributor website-backend

    streamline the flow of qrCode authentication for mobile link to issue

    Professional Experience
    Software Engineer-II, GeekyAnts India Pvt Ltd
  • ABB Ltd, involving micro frontend architecture
  • working on multiple frontends simultaneously
  • 08/2021 – presentBangalore, India
  • communicating requirements with stakeholders as the only IC on frontend.
  • contributing design architecture and PRD's
  • Tech Stack : Vite + react, mobX, axios, pgSQL, react-hook-forms, tabulator,React testing lib, rollup, vitest, WebComponents, Kubernetes, Docker
  • working on a D2C, meal suggestion app
  • worked on the design flow of features during planning.
  • working on features, i.e advance search, meal planner, google events integration, happy/unhappy flows
  • Tech Stack : Redux, NextJs, React bootstrap,Axios, mySQL
  • worked on a D2C single-brand e-commerce website of an Australia based client
  • worked on migrating the website to nuxtJs from scratch
  • worked on user onboarding flow, coupon integration, payment service for users.
  • worked on various issues related to user bandwidth for better UX
  • Tech Stack: NuxtJs(SSR), storybook, Nuxt Global, Bootstrap, sass, Postman
  • worked on a D2C single-brand insurance website for an Indonesian product
  • worked on improving loading time using core web vitals like TTFB, FCP etc.
  • used different tools for improving the build size
  • Tech Stack: Redux, react-query, NextJs, Chakra-ui, MySQL
  • Helped with the hiring process of freshers by conducting interviews and mentoring a couple of juniors.
  • Recent Blogs
    B.E, PVG's College of Engineering and Technology
    2017 – 2021Pune, India