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Nazlıcan Şahin Backend Developer

A backend developer who finds joy in presenting, engaging in, and coordinating events. Her enthusiasm for crafting software projects and communicating her expertise via Medium articles is evident. In her pursuit to expand her knowledge beyond fundamental tools, delved into backend development through a bootcamp, actively collaborating on diverse projects.

Computer Engineering | 3nd year | 3.41/4 - Transfer, Eskişehir Technical University
2023 – 2025
Computer Engineering | 3.7/4, Aydin Adnan Menderes University

Google Developers Students Club, Co-Leader | 2022-2023

2020 – 2023
Professional Experience
Technical Web Leader, YetGen

Focuses on managing YetGen's website processes, utilizing Wordpress with Elementor and CSS.

2023/06 – 2024/02
C#|.Net|Bootstrap|MSSQL|MongoDB|Javascript|NextJS|React|Agile|RabbitMQ|Git Extensions|Azure DevOps
.Net Backend Bootcamp, Akbank & YetGen

Completed training in MVC, Blazor, and Web API, finishing three projects.

2023/09 – 2024/02
Apartment Management Site, PostgreSQL, .Net, MVC

Utilizes PostgreSQL and .Net MVC for managing user registration, login, and logout, with separate admin and user panels.

SellSavvy, PostgreSQL, .Net, Web API

A Web API developed using PostgreSQL and Clean Architecture, focusing on features like JWT authentication, CQRS Pattern, Identity Mechanism, Fluent Validation, Caching and more.

Blog Website, Airtable and NextJS

Features article creation updates and more using Airtable and NextJS. - Login : [email protected] password: 1234

Login Page, NextAuth, MongoDb, NextJS, NodeJS, React

Web application providing user authentication functionalities, including a login and registration system.

Women Techmakers Turkey-Central Asia, Ambassador

Passionate about empowering communities through events, public speaking and content creation.

2022 – present
SistersLab, Design and Social Media Team Leader

Volunteered in managing social media design and communications between teams.

2022/08 – 2023/01
Camping|Playing Violin|Running
Melike Bahar Kuluöztürk, Developer in Test, Trendyol