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Professional Experience

Hochschule Darmstadt, University of Applied Sciences

Substitute Professor
  • Lectures on Tech Art and Graphics Programming
  • 01/2021 – presentDarmstadt, Germany
  • Research in AI Training and Gamification
  • 01/2020 – 12/2022Dieburg, Germany/Remote
  • Custom Blender based WebGL Engine based on three.js
  • Sustainability Webapp for hotel visitors integrated into the existing smart hotel ecosystem
  • Kellerwald - an interactive thriller made in Unity3D
  • Programmer, Tech Artist (C#, TypeScript, C++, DirectX)
  • Lead Programmer on "Tunnel AR", an AR music video
  • 01/2018 – 12/2019Germany/Remote
  • Tech Lead for Unity3D based trade fair shows in the automotive sector
  • Graphics Programmer for Indie Game Studios
  • Lecturer (Unity3D, Graphics programming)
  • Graphics Programming and Unity3D Lectures at German Schools and Universities
  • 02/2016 – 12/2020Germany

    Marmoset Co

    Tools Programmer (C++, Python)
  • Implementation of a Python Script Plugin System in C++
  • 02/2016 – 10/2017US/Remote
  • Automatic API Documentationof Python and C++ hooks
  • Custom C++ Webserver to preview local WebGL content
  • Programmer (C#, Java, AS3)
  • Gameplay Programmer on The Settlers
  • 09/2013 – 01/2016Düsseldorf, Germany
    Junior Programmer (Java, AS3)
  • Co-started the internal "coding for non-coders" program
  • 03/2014 – 08/2015
    Programming Intern (Java, AS3)
  • Gameplay Programmer on Anno Online
  • 09/2013 – 03/2014
    Paul Nasdalack
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    Bachelor, Digital Media - First Class Honours (1.2/A)

    Hochschule Darmstadt, University of Applied Sciences
    2010 – 2013Darmstadt, Germany

    Abitur (1.7/B+)

    Hölty Gymnasium Celle
    2010Celle, Germany

    Winner: BCX22 Eclipse Software Defined Vehicle

    Bosch Connected Worlds

    Using the eCAL communication standard we created a gamification app to encourage safe and sustainable truck driving


    Winner: GMTK Jam 2020

    Game Maker's Toolkit

    We created a Puzzle Game around the concept of copy and pasting with Typescript and Pixi.js


    Bronze Innovation Award

    CLIO Music

    I supported Headraft as a Lead Programmer to create the AR Music Video "Tunnel AR" for the German hiphop group "Die Fantastischen Vier"

    Web Technology

    TypeScript, JavaScript, Webpack, Node.js, Three.js, Svelte, Tauri, Express, Css, Scss

    High Level Programming

    C#, Python, Java, Haxe

    Low Level Programming

    C++, DirectX, OpenGL, Rust, Z80 Assembly

    Project Management

    CEO, Project Budgeting, Team Leadership, Scrum, Kanban, Gantt


    git, svn, docker, Jira, Confluence, Unity3D, Blender, Photoshop, MS Office

    Paul Nasdalack
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    Volunteer Work / Additional Activities

    Citizens’ Climate Lobby Germany (CCL-DE)

    Online Chapter
    2022 – present

    Game Design Elective

    August Bebel Schule (Technical College)
    2019 – presentOffenbach, Germany

    Conference Associate

    devcom Cologne
    2019Cologne, Germany

    Coding for non Coders Program

    2015 – 2016Düsseldorf, Germany

    Volunteer / Conference Associate at GDC Europe

    Game Developers Conference Europe
    2013 – 2015Cologne, Germany

    General Students Committee (AStA)

    Hochschule Darmstadt - University of Applied Sciences
    2011 – 2012Darmstadt, Germany

    Member of Student Parliament

    Hochschule Darmstadt - University of Applied Sciences
    2010 – 2012Darmstadt, Germany

    School Stage Technician

    Hölty Gymnasium Celle
    2007 – 2010Celle, Germany

    School Paramedic

    Hölty Gymnasium Celle
    2005 – 2007Celle, Germany
    Game Jams and Hackathons|Homebrew Retro Game Development|DIY Embedded Systems, Soldering and Woodworking|Internet Privacy|Self-hosting
    Side Projects
    Paul Nasdalack
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